> Today´s Message


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Arise, O Lord, in Your anger; Lift Yourself up because of the rage of my enemies; Rise up for me to the judgment You have commanded!  Psalm 7.6

David prayed for God to arise in his favor. After all, just like we have the power to take certain attitudes, the Lord also owns His want and, when He stands up, something very serious takes place. When God lifts up to do His work, He will say what is lacking from the person who is asking for His help. If the person answers divine guidance, they will have His help. If they don’t do that and get rid of any hindrance, He will not be able to act. 

For David, it was necessary for the Lord Almighty to arise in His anger, because not only the enemy had to be warned, but also confronted with all power. Then, when this happened, he would be free from the force that was about to destroy him. When you are going to rebuke the evil one, be firm and brave! There is a wicked spirit behind every demon that pretends to be childish, a good spirit or that cries asking us not to harm them. 

The king of Israel wanted more. For him, the Lord should lift up because of the rage of his enemies. Since they were plotting against that monarch, the king´s reply had to be equal to or higher in order to defeat that evil. Give all the freedom for God to exalt Himself – work in your favor -, and you will see the demon running away from you desperately. The devil works when faith is not present. Amongst the religious, he does whatever he wants. 

Never underestimate the threats of the enemy, but, when you become aware of them, rebuke them and cast them out by using the Name of Jesus. When you feel that something is diabolic, determine its complete destruction.  Don’t be involved by any diabolic plan, for, if you do, since one deep calls unto deep, you would be full of problems in no time. Use the promise that you received from God, and no evil will sustain before you. 

The enemy came to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). If he finds the door open, he will come in with all his fury. If the Name of the Lord is not invoked, the evil one will be able to terminate with your life in just a matter of days or hours. When you pray, ask for the work to be done in order to put an end to the evil attack. God will not spare power to help His people. Most assuredly, He who is abundant in all things goes out to battle with much more than is needed. 

David wanted more! He wanted the Most High to rise up Himself for him. He sensed that the attack of the enemy was more than a simple evil visit, where he would suffer just a little. For the enemy, the children of God must be destroyed, for they represent a great threat to his kingdom. Don’t allow him to accomplish his dirty intentions in you. 

The psalmist makes mention of the judgment that has already been commanded, which is found in the Scriptures. Those who pray under the direction of the Spirit receive the promised answer – complete deliverance of all evil action. Once judgment has been commanded, you can exert of your authority over the evil force and, thus, you will not be ashamed. Take hold of what is yours!

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





Lord, the Deliverer! When we feel threatened by the enemy, we will be certain that he is armed and prepared to strike against us and, thus, dominate us and work his terrible work in our life. This is one of the reasons for us to pray right now. 

The threats of the evil one are real. If You don’t arise in Your anger and if You don’t lift up Yourself because of the enemy´s rage, the price we will pay will be too high. Perhaps we don’t even have the strength to resist the attacks from the kingdom of darkness.  That is why we ask for Your help and power. 

We plead for Your involvement. Father! We don’t want to stay with our arms crossed and wait for something to happen, perhaps one day. You have already promised that, if we called You in the day of affliction, we would be delivered. We invoke You in the Name of Jesus. Amen! 


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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