> Today´s Message


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Thus says the LORD: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the LORD. Jeremiah 17:5

For the Lord to create man in His own image and likeness He worked strenuously over a great period of time, which we cannot fathom or even begin to imagine, because a thousand years for Him are like one day or one watch of the night, and our night has four watches.  It is as if the Creator had planned everything on paper, like an architect that draws up the house floor plans and so He created the Universe and you and me.  Nevertheless, He warns us as He points out three crucial errors which will do us great harm if we bow to them.

Man failed the first test and frustrated the divine project. Today, when we fall into sin we lose the attributes that we received during our second birth.  Jesus knew what was in man, so He would not accept human witness or glory from this fallen being. Besides saving and delivering us from sin and recreating us, the Lord advises us to no trust any human likeness because no doubt all might repeat what Eve practiced in Eden.

If we seek the Almighty we will receive Wisdom’s direction and instructions. However, if we place our trust in man we will be considered to be cursed.  God does not intend for us to be paranoid, distrusting everything and everybody at every moment.  However, with regards to the serious aspects of life we must and can only trust the Omniscient; He is the way the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). The point is that we always trust a “friend” and later like David, we realize that it was not the right person or the wise thing to do. (Psalm 55: 12,13 ).

What to say about child abuse, incest and other deceptions that scarred and marred millions of people around the world, leading them to lose their love for their parents, family, relatives and friends that gave them the opposite of what was to be expected.  We must consider and certainly have a measure of confidence in our neighbors, but there must be and there are limits, or we will not be allowed to complain concerning our losses we have suffered. When you sense a dirty deal or wrong intention avoid that person.  Remember that among the Apostles one was a thief and later turned out to be a traitor.

It is also not good to use other people in the flesh. In any and all circumstances and situations your faith must remain and be in the Lord.  This shows and teaches us not to expect anything from anyone but to contribute with what is necessary to lift and lead our neighbors to salvation, doing this for God and His glory, not for man.  This way, we will never feel betrayed or sorry with the attitudes and gestures of others.  The Omnipotent will never leave or forsake us.  He is truly faithful!

Don’t let your heart be led astray and far from Him who has never fallen short or backed down from His promises. If all things fail, God will never fail. If you are in the worst of situations, the Heavenly Father will be at your side to aid and assist you.  No matter how far you have gone, how many have let you down, frustrated you or made you suffer, in the Lord you have the One you can trust.  He wants to deliver you from all traumas that keeps you from living and to this end He asks for only one thing: that you keep your faith in Him.

Say everything you say according to the Most High´s commands and with all your heart.  Consequently, there will be no need to turn back and seek forgiveness; to the contrary, others will look to you in order to thank you for the favor of having lived righteously before God and men.  Don’t commit any of the three crucial errors.  With God you will win!

In Christ, with Love,

R. R. Soares 

> Today´s Message





Faithful and true God!  Let us always believe and keep true faith in what You say as our True Father, Omniscient and Friend. When you tell us something this is urgent and must be considered indispensable, because You only desire what is best for us.

We do not want to commit the three crucial errors but only to walk in Your instruction. Helped by Your Spirit we will not stumble or be disappointed with what evil people may do to us. We want to be comforted and consoled by You and not cry for any evil done.

Our cry is for power to deliver many from certain and real condemnation. We will seek you and not be disappointed because You are perfect in everything and every way. Thank You for loving us, for using us and teaching us to do good to everyone. Amen!


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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