> Today´s Message


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And the Lord said to Moses, “Has the Lord’s arm been shortened? Now you shall see whether what I say will happen to you or not.” Numbers11:23

After the Hebrews refused to possess the mountains of the Amorites and begin to occupy the Holy Land, some of the people who went through the exodus missed the food they ate in Egypt, and this attitude contaminated the other sons of Jacob. As a result, their desire to eat meat overpowered them, and they murmured against the Lord. Moses almost lost his place before the Most High, but patiently God led Moses to understand who the I Am was.

After praying, Moses received told that they would eat meat not only one day, but one whole a month, until it came out of their nostrils. Moses did not understand and told God that his people were composed of 600,000 men, as well as women and children, which averaged out to approximately three million people. That was a lot of people, humanly speaking. Then the Almighty reminded him that His arm would not be shortened, and he would see His yes.

Oftentimes, when we go through trials and reach a point where we do not see a way out, we make the same mistake of thinking that there is nothing else to do. At this very moment, we must seek the Lord like we have never done before, believe in Him even more and wait for His move in such a special way that He will surprise even the saved. His arm is not shortened nor will it be shortened, for He is LORD!

Daniel was only freed from the lions’ den when there was no more hope of salvation; after all, he had been thrown into the den of the big, hungry cats. However, God sent His angel, who suppressed their desire to feed on His servant. That night that the prophet spent among those animals was probably the most exciting one of his life. After he came out of there alive, not one single person dared to speak evil of him. They came to respect him as a servant of God.

Likewise, the rebellious Jonah was thrown into the wild sea, swallowed by a huge fish, and spent three days and three nights in his belly until he decided to pray and make things right with the Most High, promising to fulfill his mission. Probably no one went through such a strong trial as he did, who, in order to survive, without any food or water, clung himself to some organ within the fish. When he came out, he persuaded the people Nineveh to seek the Lord.

What is your difficulty? Only you are responsible for it. Draw near to God right now and confess Him your sin! Your life is more important than the shame you will feel for having to acknowledge your error. You have fallen into shameful temptations, because you were not humble before the Father. Do not let the devil keep you in subjection. The only way out is for you to repent! 

The arm of the heavenly Father was not shortened. His power is the same, and His grace is just as strong today as it was on the day you heard the Gospel for the first time. Therefore, do not let yourself be carried away by the evil one; cleanse yourself today! To live with the Lord for all eternity is more important than creeping into your present misery!

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





Lord in trials! What rejoices us is to know that You are the Lord in the trials we go through. You not only can, but You also want to get deliver us from such problems.  Therefore, we bow before You to say that we are tired of living in suffering!

Help us, for we are in the lion’s den, in the womb of the fish, and we were thrown into the furnace heated up seven times hotter than usual. The sentence concerning us has been given, but You are our Way out!

Look at us with mercy! Deliver us, for the help of man is vain. We depend entirely on Your love, and it will not be denied to us. We thank You for faith, for it is a time to see You work great things for us!


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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