> Today´s Message

03/04/2019 - WE KNOW WHAT IS TRUE

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And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. 1 John 5:20

Não há nada que se iguale à salvação. Por ela, ficamos livres do poder das trevas nesta vida e na eternidade! Libertamo-nos da condenação que cairá sobre o diabo, seus demônios e os que não se arrependerem de seus pecados. Além de termos recebido essa gloriosa libertação, nosso entendimento foi aberto para conhecer a Verdade. O cristão só se corrompe se não estiver firme no amor de Deus.

There is nothing that equals salvation. Through it, we are completely free from the power of darkness in this life and in eternity! We are freed from the condemnation that will fall upon the devil, his demons and those who do not repent of their sins. In addition to receiving this glorious deliverance, our understanding was opened to come to know the Truth. The Christian is only corrupted if he is not firm in the love of God.

When Jesus comes back, we will understand how good it was for us to withdraw from all sins and decide to live with Jesus. There is no way to let go of our life with Him and go out to do the will of the accuser. We would lose a lot if such thing happened. Therefore, do not exchange your excellent position in the Redeemer for the pleasure of any error.

We have the ability to look at a person who tells us something and see if that is real or not. The Lord God gave us this discernment. Thus, we will never be deceived by the tempter. There is no need to fear those with wicked intentions, for God is with us. Let us be brave, because He helps us and sustains us with the right hand of His righteousness. It’s good to serve Him, don´t you agree?

The Messiah has already come and left us the precious lessons we need to learn which are recorded in the Bible. As we study the Word, or listen to the preaching of the Word, we must be aware. When we are saved, the Lord does not let us loose in the spiritual world, but He sits us in Jesus. So, we can confess, at all times, that we are focused on righteousness, for, He truly has sat us in Jesus.

We are in Christ, and no one will take us away from this privileged position. Absolutely no effort by Satan can snatch us from the Savior. But if we reject Him, He will also reject us. Therefore, when facing temptation, confess it to Him and ask Him to do deliver you. If you transgress, do not omit your fall! Open your heart to God. If you hurt someone, ask forgiveness to that person too.

Jesus is the Son of the true God. Our mind is finite, therefore we cannot understand Him except through the revelation of the Scriptures. He is composed of three persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. They are three distinct figures who, at the same time, form one God. It is not wrong to say that we are in the true God, for the three persons, being the Father the greatest, are one God only. Jesus is absolutely real!

Besides being the genuine God, the Lord is eternal life. Whoever does not receive Him as their Lord and Savior, will remain in eternal death – the eternal separation from God – that we inherited from Adam. If they persevere in faith, the saved will never ever die.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





True God! We are so glad to know that You are real and the enemy cannot defeat us! If he tries, he will bump into You, our Guarantor and Protector. There is no way to be separated from You; we are seated in Jesus.

Who will keep us away from Your love? How could that happen? The devil will never separate the person who is sitting in the Son of Your love. Now we are more confident about everything You have made known to us and all other things we will come to know.

Everything we have heard from You and learned from the Word leads us to a greater and stronger faith. With it, we will never be confused. May Your power carry out the work that You promised, for, we determine the blessing in the Name of Jesus!


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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