> Reflections

02/02/2012 - Hunger

André Soares

In February, the Non Governmental Organization (NGO) “Save the Children” released a survey revealing that every minute five children die of hunger. Every year, two million children die because they have nothing to eat. The countries with the worst scenario are: Congo, Burundi and Ivory Coast.
But do not think that such reality is far from us. Studies show that there are about 30 million hungry people in Brazil.
This problem could be solved with planning and good will. Brazil is among the top ten countries which waste most food in the world. Of every 100 products harvested, only 39 will reach the markets and fairs.
I am the author of a Draft Bill number 111/2008 that regulates the transport of agricultural food with appropriate boxes and adapted trucks. Such measure would prevent waste, because the more food in good condition is preserved, the greater the opportunity for those who really need food.

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