> Reflections

05/05/2012 - Mother’s advice

André Soares

During the week preceding Mother’s Day I am reminded of a famous mother. She was brave; she took on a pregnancy out of wedlock and faced society for obedience to God.

When I hear of Mary, through my personal understanding, the advice she gave to people on a difficult situation is what comes to my mind. “Whatever He says to you, do it” was the advice of Mary to the wedding servants (John 2: 5). Those men obeyed Jesus and the miracle happened. The water turned into the finest wine.
Then I think: have we done what Jesus tells us to do? Do we focus on what God expects of us? In moments of anger do we act like Jesus? Do we apologize, despite being in the right?
And what about the time we devote to our communion with the Lord? Do we spend more time looking at our cell phone or looking at the cross? Do we spend more time chatting with our friends on the internet or kneeling down and talking to God in prayer?
If we do what He commands, we will obtain the result that He promises. We will be transformed from water into a fine wine.

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