> Reflections

10/25/2011 - The Cover Charge Law, a victory for consumers

André Soares

In ancient times, trade was based on barter through the exchange of surplus items. The world has evolved and so has trade. With the advent of coinage, consumer relations became more complex.

In Brazil, since 1990, we have had an important protective mechanism, the Consumer Protection Code. However, certain subjects require specific regulations.

An example is the “Cover Charge” Law which came into force in the State of São Paulo on October 7, 2011.
This law is of my authorship and it requires bars and restaurants to inform the price and the composition of the appetizers served as soon as the customer sits at the table. And if the service is provided without being previously requested, the consumer will not be obligated to pay the cover charge.
The Bible says in Hosea 4:6 that people suffer for lack of knowledge. Knowing our rights is the best way to ensure they will be enforced.

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