> Reflections

04/27/2012 - Anger is never a good reason

André Soares

The American author Benjamin Franklin once said that “Anger is never without reason, although it is rarely a good reason.”

What we see in society today is the portrayal of violence: children killing parents, meaningless traffic fights, animals being beaten to death by their owners or even parents beating their children up as if they were punching a sandbag.
With regard to child abuse specifically, a Federal Law that is being read in Brasilia aims at strengthening the control of justice on cases of violence against children and adolescents. The text will be considered by the Senate, but although it hasn’t been given the thumbs up yet it has already opened the subject for discussion.
When I see a father or a mother beating their own children I remember the text from James, chapter 1, verse 20: “For the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.”
In Proverbs, chapter 13 verse 24, there is a clear reference to the education of children, which does not mean that beating them with unreasonable and illogical fury is an effective way to raise them.


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