> Reflections

12/02/2013 - Mercy and justice (Psalm 101:1)

Pr. Jayme de Amorim

In our meetings, God has manifested Himself in a very special way by healing and performing miracles. Sometimes, more than 100 people are healed from lumps, not to mention the particularly special miracles that are performed. For example, the healing of Thiago, from Porto Alegro, who lost both his hearing and speech at three years of age. Today, he’s 21, and he has been completely healed in a service I performed at the headquarters.

Of course, healing is a way of bringing people closer to God, because they come to be healed and they end up listening to the Word of Salvation (I will refer to this more in another article). However, I need to talk about the Word that comes straight from the mouth of God. (Matthew 4.4)

In Psalms 101.1, the Word talks about mercy and justice; we will preach mercy. But let’s not forget justice – we have to remember that, after we die, we are faced with a judgment (Hebrews 9.27). I will talk about judgment another time, especially about those people whose prayers remain unanswered.

I am a preacher and I have been used by God to bless millions of people. But if I am a liar, I will, as the Bible says, have my part in the second death and God will be unable to offer me forgiveness (Revelations 21.8), because He has to perform His Word. (Jeremiah 1:12)

You have to understand, people may be used by God to help with special offerings or to give the biggest tithe, but if they are one of those people from 1 Corinthians 6:10 or Revelations 21:8, they won’t enter the kingdom of God. This has to be a warning to everyone, because there is no partiality with God. (Romans 2:11)

Let’s show the power of God that heals, delivers, makes you more prosperous, but let’s also preach about justice, because we can’t escape from eternity. If there is sin, let’s also seek His mercy, because it is renewed every day. (Lamentations 2:22, 23)

In Christ,

Jayme de Amorim

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