> Reflections

11/23/2011 - The cruelty of “bullying”

André Soares

Judging someone by their appearance, religion or social status is evil. God did not want us to judge our neighbor. He created all humans equal, without any partiality (Romans 2:11).

However, it is increasingly common to see all forms of discrimination, including the famous “bullying” among children.
Also known as school harassment, “bullying” has gained prominence because of the increasing complaints from students who suffer with physical and verbal abuse inflicted by their peers.
The consequences go far beyond public humiliation. The child may develop psychological disorders resulting from violence within the school.
While we worry about our neighbor’s outer appearance, God looks at us exactly the opposite way. “For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” (I Samuel 16: 7b).

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