> Today´s Message


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And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one. Acts 9:7

Saul’s encounter with Jesus on the way to Damascus was perfect, as he went from being a persecutor to a preacher of the cause he was fighting against. Those who heard of his messages were speechless; those who went with him to harm Christians were impressed. This happens every time the Most High works. To shake the world with the Truth is our mission.

Imagine how much it cost Saul to choose people that fought like he did! Think of the time it took to prepare them! He formed a “battalion of terror”, with the goal of destroying the Christian Church. Did they achieve that goal? Never! Christ said that He would build His Church, and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it. Wake up, brother! It’s time to take a stand! Our mission must be impactful!

They marched driven by hatred, but God had a plan of love for them. What would happen on that road to Damascus would always be told and would change the hearts of millions of people. Likewise, what the Omnipotent has in store for your life will change the way you behave, and you will do a great work on Earth. You are more important than you think! You are a beautiful project from the Lord for these days.

So don’t be overcome by sin! Flee prostitution and crime. Never think about what you can “lose”, but how much you will gain for all eternity if you are faithful to God. Nothing is worth more than surrendering to the sovereign will of the One who made the Heavens and the Earth. Don’t let the devil guide you for a minute. Run to the Father’s arms, for no harm will befall you. Live by faith!

You may be part of a wicked group, but your conversion will surprise that battalion. Let the Lord use you and see how good He is; God’s thoughts are higher than yours (Isaiah 55:9). Only He can give you abundant life (John 10:10). This is the promise of He who never lied.

Your “friends” will hear the same voice that you have heard. Never try to rise from your fall using human hands before God tells you to. He calls you by your name to give you gifts. You were not created to destroy lives, but to help the lost to be freed. The Lord’s beautiful plan will be confirmed in your obedience to Him. Love Him!

Obey the Word. The Lord calls you by name, so that you know what your mission is. Your calling is personal and non-transferable. Don’t rush to go anywhere! Follow the instructions that will be given to you by those who preceded you in the Truth.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





God that surprises us! You are tremendous, and Your will is so beyond our understanding. When You present yourself in splendor, the most wicked persecutor of Your work falls to the ground and converts to You.

The terror battalion and the one that threatened to kill Your people, when they saw Your glory revealed on the road to Damascus, they were astonished. Father, send us that same splendor, for there are many people who need to be saved.

You are the same way before the creation of the world and You will continue to be, but we have strayed. We need a job from You. Thus, You will teach us how to behave in order to obey and love You. Amen!


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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