> Today´s Message


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And God was displeased with this thing; therefore He struck Israel. 1 Chronicles 21:7

Over the course of time, some people went too far off and did what was abominable in the eyes of the Lord, and because of that they were punished. In the previous lesson we began to study, we saw that pride and greatness dominated the heart of David, who gave an order to count his people. Nothing that seems evil in the eyes of the One who is perfect must be carried out, for there is a demon behind this action.

Greed has dominated many Christians, and they murmur saying they have no luck. Most assuredly the Lord will fulfill His promises in the life of those who believe in Him, but in many cases, if He brings prosperity to the lives of some people now, the loss will be great, because these people still are not able to withstand the trials to come. They must learn to serve God by rooting themselves in Him to receive the blessings.

The Most High is not an eccentric being who for some personal reason has decided to prevent us from doing something or has denied us His gifts. He is perfect in holiness, wisdom and love; therefore, by making some sort of restriction or failing to meet us in any situation, He simply wants to prevent evil from coming to our life. We must praise the Almighty for acting in this way. The Word exhorts us to know Him and to continue to know Him in order to live well (Hosea 6:3).

The walk through the desert would be a long walk, but the people did not know that. They did not go up to possess the territory of the Amorites, which would be the beginning of the occupation of the Promised Land, as God told them. For this reason, they faced arduous battles ahead. The Lord knew exactly what they would need to live 40 years in the wilderness, so He prepared and gave them the manna. But they were provoked by those who were not Israelites, and rebelled.

If you do not have the fate you aspire, you are probably not serving God correctly. If He allowed you to get everything at once, surely you would forsake Him and be lost forever. Through the Bible, prayers of consecration and through what the Lord accomplishes in our days, learn to grow in grace and faith. Thus, you will see that the Most High does not withhold any blessing from those who walk uprightly (Psalm 84:11).

Not only did God see the danger of David having given in to temptation, but the leaders of Israel also saw that. However, the king was obsessed in knowing how great he was, therefore, the Almighty God wounded the nation. We have to be very careful at all times, because sometimes we do not consult the Lord about the motivation of certain desires and we end up doing what we think is best. After we behave in such way we are in the clutches of the devil, thus, God can apply some bitter remedy for our own sake.

Seek to know and fulfill the good, acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12: 2).God is perfect and good to all and He doesn’t privilege any person, but wishes our well being. Therefore, the Lord will guide us in such a way that we will go through life without getting involved with the demons who want to overthrow us from our blessed position in the Body of Christ.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





Father! It would be good if we never rebelled against Your will, for we would see Your glory envelop us 24 hours a day. Thus, we would live before You as Jesus did. May Your will be done!

Why did the hero king of Israel let himself be carried away by pride if he had Your Word declaring that all evils would not attack him nor come near his dwelling? We must come to know You and let You be the Director in our lives, so that we do not stumble.

We know there is a way out, and it is when we walk in Your light. So we come to You for help. From now on, we will no longer rise up against You. May Your purpose be fulfilled and not ours, just as Jesus prayed!


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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