The Son of God, our beloved Savior, has given us to drink from His cup and said that we can perform the same works done by Him. The Lord gave us His mission to proclaim the Good News, with one difference: He came to give us our salvation. Thus, we must announce this wonderful work, which includes all people without discrimination. Today, we only have to follow the Master’s command and imitate Him.
Those who legitimately militate, without changing the revelation in any way, will succeed, for the Most High is a Keeper of His promises. Humanity must know these selfless participants in God’s army, whose purpose is to serve the Lord with courage and love. Thus, they will please the Almighty.
Temptations come upon all and when we give in to them we are disqualified for the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever does not convert before the return of the Messiah will prove eternal death – the permanent separation from the Lord. If you let go of the opportunity offered by God, you will never again be forgiven and you will never be able to get rid of the lake of fire and brimstone that will burn forever (Revelation 21:8). Make your decision as soon as possible, because no one knows the time when they will leave!
See how much the victors will profit because, instead of suffering, they will live in the world of perfection in the company of the Creator. This will happen in the twinkling of an eye (1 Corinthians 15:52). They will be in the Kingdom of the Son of God and they will never leave from there. The saved will sit on the throne of Jesus. Our God has prepared a great reward for us. Will you miss out on this?
Jesus Seated on the throne of the Father, when He received all power in Heaven and on Earth, after having conquered victory on the Cross. This promise had been made to Him, and while He was here this was His goal. He descended into Hell alone, without the help of angels or God, who, in fact, abandoned the Son when He saw Him become sin for us (Matthew 27.46).
Satan thought that Jesus had been defeated by descending into the lower parts of the earth (Ephesians 4:9-10). The enemy thought that his dream of being equal to the Most High would come true. However, the Savior stripped the devil of the authority he had stolen from Adam, the first man. Although he tried to hold on to what he had, the prince of darkness failed: Christ won!
With the work being complete, the Holy Spirit quickened Jesus, and at the same time we were made alive with Him (Ephesians 2: 4-6). Then the nightmare and slavery came to an end. The Father declared: You are My Son, Today I have begotten You (Psalm 2:7). Hallelujah! We can believe that God said this about all of us as well.
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Father, our Recreator! Such love Your Son gave us when He went down to Hell and defeated the devil! In the regions of death, He paid the price, so that we might be forever free from the satanic captivity.
Christ granted us eternal salvation and the right to no longer be oppressed by the hellish forces. His victory, obtained on our behalf, has freed us from the oppressions of the kingdom of wickedness.
To him who overcomes Jesus will grant that he sit with Him on His throne. You had promised this to Him, Father! We thank You for this privilege and for the place You gave us in the Kingdom of Your love! No word can exalt such goodness!
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)