I learned early enough not to be ashamed of the Gospel nor of the afflictions I will experience because of the testimony of Jesus. In fact, to me this is like a bundle of kindness that teaches me to trust in the power of God. The price is insignificant, if I take into account the glory that awaits me in eternity. I have always considered to reach Christ as the highest goal of my life and I still believe in that.
He who is led by temptations should be ashamed of their deeds and because of that they dishonor their body, violate their mind, clothes themmself with the sweat of others, or deceive others. He who suffers for the sake of righteousness, though he may make take decisions that are allowed in the Word and does not do so as not to scandalize the “children” in the faith, he will receive the reward given by the righteous Lord in the great Day.
The Almighty did not save us because of our good deeds for His grace; but now we must do good deeds to justify His act of mercy towards us, by removing us from the empire of darkness and transporting us into the Kingdom of His Son (Colossians 1:13). He abolished the death that bound us to the devil and brought us to life and incorruptibility through the Gospel. How could we return to captivity, despising life?
Find out why you were made a child of God. No doubt the Lord has prepared you to take a position in His Kingdom. However, just aspire to be what God wants for your life. Never be ashamed to be called a Christian – like Christ. Actually, what they say about us for fulfilling the divine will will be a compliment, even if it is something offensive and degrading, for the devil speaks lies all the time.
Do you know whom you have believed in? God is the Almighty, the only Lord in the entire Universe. By believing in Him, you will have what it necessary to get rid of the afflictions of the devil, which must be strictly refused. The afflictions we have to go through are those of Christ, because of the Truth. Wherever you are, you must know: the Lord is near you, more than the air you breathe. He is your God.
Do not be carried away by the lies of Satan, because they will never withstand in the battle of the faith you have fought. If there is anything bothering you now in the soul or spirit, stand up as God’s warrior and demand evil to withdraw. The One who is able to keep your deposit until that Day has been working in your favor for a long time. All that the Most High has promised to be your is deposited in Him!
He who never doubted the Word was never been abandoned or had his prayers rejected. If you have questioned what Jesus has done for you, be sure to go to Him and confess this and other sins. Take a stand next to the One who is right next to you!
In Christ with love,
R. R. Soares
Powerful God! It is good to meditate on the revelations of Your Word, because through only one verse, we discover what belongs to us in Christ and what we can have. Nothing will separate us from You, if we believe in Your statement about us!
No matter the adversities suffered for the love of the Gospel, if we are rejected or avoided, because what we can not have is Your rejection because of our deeds. Mercy Lord!
Like Paul, we also know in whom we have believed in. We want to go where You send us, do what You tell us to do and win. This way, we will glorify You. Your Word moves us, and we do not give up on it. Glory to You!
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)