> Today´s Message


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When he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up the road, some youths came from the city and mocked him, and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” 2 Kings 2.23

After solving Jericho’s problem and teaching the sons of the prophets to go the right way, Elisha went up to Bethel. No doubt he was going joyfully to give the blessing there. That is the life of the person empowered to do the work for the world. Just by seeing God work, those called to ministry go out happy. All the things that happened to the prophet in Jericho would never be forgotten, so he served the Lord with love!

Elisha solved the city’s perpetual problems in order to continue the work of the Most High, whom he loved with all his heart. The same has happened to us. Wherever we go, we see how worthwhile it is to carry out the mission given by the Lord, proclaiming the Word to those who suffer from any ailment or are under some diabolical pressure. Some young men saw Elisha and decided to take his peace away from him, making fun of the fact that the prophet was bald. But it cost them dearly!

The Bible says: Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs. 22:6). Parents who do this, will see at the end of their days, their children walking in a worthy manner. Therefore, we need to spend time with them. Then, when we know that they are on the right track in life, we will rejoice. One important detail: they will learn more from what they see in us than what they hear from us. We must not be false to them or to anyone else.

Parents who let their children learn on their own will pay a very high price, which will even get them into trouble. Whoever does not respect the Lord will never respect the authorities and other citizens. It does not matter whether a person is peaceful or agitated; we should respect them for the way they present themselves in all places, whether good or bad. This example even counts in relation  to the lost!

To raise lives away from biblical doctrine is to cause them to fight tooth and nail for a greater share in the inheritance and to be vulnerable, unable to turn away from the problems that attack the lost. The faithful Christian is always grounded in God, so he does not fear the evil days. The power of the Kingdom of Heaven will do what the Father reveals to us, if we ordain with faith what the Word assures us is ours. He who fears the Lord is not embarrassed!

Elisha was bald, but he had an anointing upon him that the boys did not see. He was the new prophet sent to set the holy people on the path to victory, but those young men did not realize that they were standing before great authority. So, they mocked him instead of greeting him, as one should do to God’s ministers. Elisha cursed them, so two she-bears came out of the bush and killed 42 young men from that group. Take care of your own for their sake and yours too!

Never disrespect anyone, because it can cost you dearly. We are God’s people, called to do His work. Therefore, educate yourself and be kind to everyone, without distinction of color, origin, social status or any other characteristic. In God, you will be a blessing!

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





Lord of the whole world! There is not a place on Earth where You are not with Your power and love. You are dedicated to helping evangelists around the planet, and their fruits show it. They open doors for the lost to be free!

You love the Truth and grace brought by Jesus. He went everywhere, proclaiming the sweet message of the Gospel and leading Your people to make a difference among men. May we obtain the title of beloved servants!

We want to teach the little ones that it is worth dedicating ourselves to the evangelization of the world. We can and must fulfill your plan with joy and dedication. The world will be better when everyone is converted and truly loves You!


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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