When Jesus saw the multitudes wandering and errant, He did not curse them. He had compassion, for He saw that the cause of all that suffering was the lack of a shepherd. It is necessary to pray for those who are in the ministry and failed to fulfill their call because they feel tired, and for those who did not want to take on the mission that the Father gave them, because they considered other matters more important. In both cases, the sheep ended up being left alone.
Today, Christ sees the crowds far from God and He wants to gather them together, because the wolf shatters someone at all times, causing that person to have a behavior that will not allow him to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. How can anyone think that there is something more important than feeding the Lord’s flock if He gave us such example? It is necessary to rethink what we have done and leave aside whatever necessary in order to fulfill the noblest call that a human being can receive in this world.
Whoever does not pity those who live in sin, from the one who is considered of little importance to the most terrible person, does not fear the Most High. Therefore he will embitter the eternal torment. It is necessary to be like Epaphras, a faithful Colossian pastor, who fought for his people effectively, so that people would maintain their faith in Christ (Colossians 1: 7,8). How many have watched with the Lord for at least one hour? (Matthew 26:40).
May God give everyone the same sentiment Christ had: compassion. He felt sorry for those who were not in His flock, despite seeking the blessings. The love of the Father will lead many people who are with me in this simple message to see what they have wasted. Many prefer to gather material goods, which will remain here. What will it be when the period of opportunities comes to an end?
A person who engages in fornication, adultery, small or big thefts, corruption, drugs, or improperly receives or pays commissions for work, is dominated by the devil, and therefore will suffer greatly. There is no way to prevent divine justice from working. Sooner or later the transgressor will see that he acted foolishly. On the Day of Reckoning, he will be ashamed and then condemned.
Without a shepherd, the sheep approaches the predator without realizing it, since it cannot sense and avoid imminent destruction. However, with a good shepherd taking care of the sheep, the lion and the bear that come to snatch it will be killed. The pastors who have despised the mission entrusted to them will respond for the loss caused to the Lord’s flock. Nothing is more precious to the good Shepherd than to keep His flock intact and growing.
For 40 years Moses served as shepherd for Israel in the most inhospitable place on earth, the desert. David was Israel´s shepherd for 40 years, and even though he was forbidden to build the temple of the Lord, he gave the materials he had already prepared. He who has received the call to serve in the ministry has reached the highest position that any person can occupy in life.
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Lord! You have seen the lost wandering through the streets. Some even fill the churches, but there is no one who can lead them to Your fold. They need to be part of Your holy flock.
Who will take part in Your compassion, leaving aside a profitable business to do the noblest mission of life: be Your representative, just as Your Son was? Why go after gold, instead of the souls that perish?
We must run, fly, toward those who are perishing, to pluck them out of the hands of the devil. They are like crazy, foolish people and do not imagine what they will go through in the eternal torment. We cannot waste any more time! Help us to free them from the thorns of Satan.
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)