Hearing the exclamation of Elizabeth – Blessed art you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! (Luke 1:42) – , Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit and, at that time, worshiped God with a beautiful song. Ask the Lord to use you to write praises to Him. This does not mean that you will become a composer, but you will exalt His greatness. However, if it is His will, we will see someone arise who will help us praise the Most High. Honor God and don´t let the devil deceive you.
In her song, Mary magnified the Lord with her soul, which we must also do. He was the one who planned the human race, full of good and talented people; created the Earth and other planets; programmed the creation and renewal of oxygen, and with that we have the air to breathe and food to sustain us. Moreover, the Father has given us His joy, which is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). By learning to walk with God, you are successful in everything. That is His desire for you!
Then Mary acknowledged that her spirit rejoiced in the Savior (Luke 1:47). At that moment, she reaffirmed her condition of servant, for she was chosen by His unique and exclusive will. In the same way, the Lord called us to His Kingdom, not because we had something special, but by the new birth He took us from the kingdom of darkness and carried us into the Kingdom of His marvelous light (Colossians 1:13). All glory is due to the Father!
Mary was of humble origin; therefore her call was not because of her wealth, but because of divine mercy. That was the factor that God used to choose me and you. Surely we shall be tested, but that is no reason to sin. Never let the devil take you away from the position of son of God. That servant knew that her obedience would make her blessed. Only this way will we please the Almighty.
In her song, Jesus’ mother says that God did great things for her (Luke 1:49a). We lack words to describe the blessings received from our Father. He has given us life in abundance (John 10: 10b), and we will enjoy eternal life next to Him. So do not let yourself be tempted unless you do not mind losing Heaven and being sent to Hell. Whoever is called by the Most High must watch and pray not to fall into temptation.
In thanking, Mary declared the name of the Lord to be holy (Luke 1:49b). This Name separates us from the devil´s onslaughts. Never forget to answer the Father, for He delivers you from the forces of evil. The Most High is mighty to fulfill all He promises. Therefore, we can rest, because no evil dart will strike us. Call on the Lord and be saved now. He wants you well!
Mary understood that the mercy of God is from generation to generation upon those who fear Him (v. 50). It is as if she acted like a prophet, for it would still be 33 years before Jesus went to Hell and, with His arm, defeat the devil and dissipate the arrogant in their thinking. With this, Christ overpowered the powerful and elevated the humble. Our Lord is wonderful, is He not? He deserves to receive our praise!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
God of our worship! What a summary Mary made of the work carried out by the Savior on our behalf! Now, we are saved, because He has paid such a price, which man cannot understand nor find words to describe!
Jesus overcame the devil, who had deceived Adam and Eve, and had us under his authority. But, after the Master's victory, our yoke is over, and we can say Thank You. These words symbolize our gratitude for Your deeds and eternal life!
Never forsake us, Father! Although we don´t deserve it, but believe in what Your Son accomplished in our behalf, we want to do Your perfect will. We come to You to receive what belongs to us, full salvation accomplished in the blood of Your Son!
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)