The spirit of deceit is everywhere and tempts people; even the Lord Jesus was tempted. However, the Savior did not sin and thus gave us the example of how to get rid of the evil bonds: respond according to Scriptures. There is no better way to overcome temptation than to refer to the Word of God. Truth sets us free from the enemy´s attacks, so we must love it.
Jesus taught that it is necessary to watch and pray, lest we enter into temptation. The Christian’s fall begins when he consiers himself strong enough not to fall. Now, the attitude of considering yourself stronger than the enemy is already a victory for the kingdom of darkness. By ourselves we will never be able to overcome Satan, but in Christ we will never lose a battle. Halleluiah!
The more successful we are in God’s work, the more we must watch and pray. Often, the voice of the opponent comes when we are in the best phase of life. With Peter it was no different. Because of the revelation he had about Jesus, the disciple swelled in carnal understanding and said he would not allow the Messiah to suffer what He had said. Since the Lord loved him, He immediately rebuked him. Always be humble!
He who gave himself to iniquity, regardless of his social status, suppressed God´s voice that warned them of the danger that surrounded them. The Christian who falls into sin will confirm that he was repeatedly exhorted by God about temptations, but, unfortunately, he did not obey the Lord and yielded to the devil´s offers.
On Judgment Day, the lost will try to defend themselves in every way, but they will hear from the Lord: “I never knew you” (Matthew 7:23). What matters to God are not the results, but the fruits produced. He does not need man’s help, but we need his help. Without Him we are nothing, and what we do without His presence will not be received into glory. We must live in holiness!
Whoever practices iniquity and does not truly repent will not be accepted in Heaven, even if he considers himself a great heavenly helper. Only he who keeps the commandments becomes wise, for he does a work that will last forever. So check how your Christian walk has been, the reasons that led you to live as you are living, and if you truly walk with the Lord. Take care!
God’s words will never go back, so do not let the devil deceive you, to the point that the Most High says He never knew you. Amend yourself with the Lord now, lest you be cast into the lake with fire and brimstone for eternity. Is such loss worth it? The justifications of the wicked will not be accepted.
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
God! How can we live away from You, taken by temptations that insist that we at least once taste the power of seduction? We do not have to pay any attention to that, for if we do, we will lose You, as well as Your grace and mercy!
We want to be known by Jesus on the Last Day, received by Him, to spend eternal time in His presence, living clean and blessed, as You have said that it will be to those saved by You. It's good to believe in You!
We long to hear the famous phrase that will come from the lips of Christ, inviting all the faithful, who did not get involved with the devil, to goin and possess the Kingdom prepared for them since the foundation of the Universe!
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)