> Today´s Message


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Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavors; give them according to the work of their hands; render to them what they deserve. Psalm 28.4

To live in wickedness means to have a snapshot of what will eternal separation from God be like. Those who do so do not feel the Lord’s presence, even though they might know that He is real, good and powerful enough to solve all problems. In fact, these people are not yet weeping and gnashing their teeth, or feeling the eternal flames and punishment. There is no comparison with the life of those who live with the Father, for they are always blessed.

The wicked let themselves be driven by the devil, and deliberately seek to harm others, even sometimes trying to make a saved person sin. They do not know that they will receive back the evil they’ve done to others, according to the evil of their efforts. Not always a person who causes dishonor will be dishonored, but he will pay the price for the pain that he caused.

Everything that is done to harm or bring loss to someone will be paid back in the same way. If you have been tempted to do something that is not biblical, stop immediately and ask the Most High to forgive you. Otherwise, when you least expect, you will suffer the bitterness and cruelty of demons, and might spend all eternity without a chance of repentance.

David’s prayer is an example of what the wicked will receive. The reward for their attitudes will come; after all, no one can mock God. If they continue in sin, they will receive their deserved punishment. If anyone has sinned, they must seek for forgiveness. Whenever they pray, if they feel that someone has something against them, they must seek this person and make things right. Be aware that divine justice is impartial.

There is only one way out for those who are wicked: to repent and come back to the feet of the Most High. The Lord warns that He is righteous and will never hide nobody’s transgression. The person who does not want to be caught doing wrong and be ashamed for it should not let evil lead them. If you have done wrong, you must get things right with the Heavenly Father and with whomever you have harmed. Only forgiveness can undo sin.

He who does not take heed of what the Lord’s hand has done does wrong. Only by paying attention they would already repent. There are valuable lessons in the Lord’s works, which could make even the foolish person understand. Don’t only say thank you to what God has done to you. Examine and see how much He has worked in order for you to be blessed. His love for you is greater than your iniquity, so seek to get things right.

Those who stubbornly remain in wickedness will be struck down and will no longer stand. Therefore, before the sun sets upon your sin and you cannot be forgiven any longer, pray so that you may be freed of this evil spirit. If it remains in your heart, you will not be able to see the Lord’s kindness. Do not waste this opportunity.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





God who repays us! We need to be aware of Your deeds, for we do not want to walk like the wicked. If they valued Your works, they would see that it is much better to be besides You, for You are merciful and ready to forgive.

We want Your forgiveness for our mistakes, because we cannot remain far away from You. Since we do not have You besides us, we cannot enjoy communion with You, and this is a high price. Please help us!

Rebuild those who have fallen, and bring them Your peace and Your love. Do not let them continue in the path of wickedness, for they act like drunkard who do not know what they do or say. You have pleasure in forgiving, so give a new chance for those who have fallen and are praying now.


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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