What would happen that Saturday, in the synagogue at Capernaum, had a much greater purpose than the healing of that woman that due to being in Satan’s hands, lived bent over for 18 years. This was God’s day of victory over evil, which would elicit a great celebration in Heaven. The sheep returned to the arms of the good Shepherd, because He could not bear to see her oppressed by the devil. From then on, those who understood the words of Christ could consider themselves free!
Jesus’s message penetrated her heart in such a way that she was enlightened. It was all she needed to hear! She learned that, behind that infirmity there lay an evil spirit, which made her posture bent over day after day, and she was delivered from that oppression. When you learn that the Truth sets one free, you won’t need any time to become healthy and whole by believing in the revelation of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord had the opportunity He had been expecting for 18 years. How long do you suffer and the Almighty has not been able to do anything in your favor? Alas, when you learn and understand that evil was taken away by Jesus on the cross, or any other declaration of the Word, the problem that oppresses you will no longer control you and at the same time you can declare yourself delivered.
It seemed that God was losing the battle, because that daughter of Abraham was stooping and bending over more and more. How many of the saved still live according to the devil in the errors and stray paths of life? Some were even stars in the hands of the All-Powerful, but they were deceived by the lies of the enemy and fell into his traps. Now, far from the Almighty they live only bad memories and frustrations.
As he learns the Truth, the person changes his attitudes and behavior. In his spirit, there comes a light, and then as soon as he believes, he stands out and is invited to come close to the Master. That woman did not resist and accepted Jesus’s invitation. She progressed by obedience to the heavenly call. Don’t stay far from the Lord; come near Him with a pure and sincere heart. This way you will clearly hear Him say that you are free!
As she approached the Savior, she heard what she wanted to hear during her entire life: Woman, you are free from your infirmity. How many times she might have been visited by the anointment that surrounded the preacher and even was emotionally moved, but because she did not know the Truth, she prayed for healing and was not healed? But at that moment, the Lord gave her the Good News: ¨You are free”. The same may happen to you. For this reason I tell you “You are free from any work of the devil.”
Accept Christ’s invitation! He might call you to spend more time in prayer, opening your heart and making declarations inspired by Him. Don’t resist the Holy Spirit, but come to Him with complete confidence and trust, for God would never speak to you without purpose. In the Gospel, the promises are fulfilled!.
In Christ, with Love,
R. R. Soares
God of the liberating vision! You know how to lead us to come before You, where we will know the Truth and be delivered. The encounter of that oppressed woman and Your Son was a watershed in her life. You are so beautiful!
We want to hear Your message that shines and gives us conditions to believe and hear the invitation from Your lips, calling us close to You. Those that know the Truth are delivered free from their ailments. Teach us to lay hold of that which belongs to us.
The 18 year battle ended with the devil defeated. There were no more doubts! What had been told her was true and had the power to deliver her. We want to be transformed by You. Amen!
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)