The way we exhort and comfort our brethren in Christ can influence their future in the Gospel. If they are mistreated, they may develop a root of bitterness in their hearts and, consequently, they will not conduct themselves with dignity towards the Most High. The worst thing that can happen to a Christian is not honoring the Name of the Lord, representing Him in an unworthy manner. You are what people see of God.
The heavenly Father desires His children to bear good witness to the Truth, living in victory in faith in Christ. Thus, those who still resist the Word will see how much they are losing, and then they will embrace this faith and become victorious. The saved have an obligation to honor the One who took them out of the clutches of the enemy and led them to the Kingdom of Light in order to make a difference in the world. Wake up to reality!
To live a worthy life is to honor the Lord in every way, enjoying the blessings provided by the Savior. We no longer need to weep, begging God to give us what He claims to be ours. In one act of faith, we can assume what belongs to us and thereby glorify the Most High. To be victorious in faith should be the goal of one who is called by the Name of Jesus. What do you say?
When invited to be part of the divine family, believe that you are completely safe in it. The enemy will never be able to invade the divine territory and act in your life. However, just as by faith one posses the Kingdom of Heaven, one also remains in the Kingdom by faith. Therefore, be in fellowship with the Most High, ready to rebuke any attack from the evil one.
Hell not only sends diseases and problems, but temptations as well. If you accept them, thinking that the devil is “nice” at facilitating things for you, in no time, bad situations will come, and, at any moment, your life will turn upside down. At that moment, you will realize that you have failed to yield to the devil’s offers. Be wise!
Walking in a worthy manner means that you will not fall into any temptation. As you enter the Body of Christ, take possession of all blessings, dedicating yourself to God and not accepting proposals contrary to the Word. The citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven enjoy the authority of the Holy Spirit to free themselves from any suffering. After all, the King has already suffered our sicknesses.
In addition to being called to be a part of this Kingdom, where there is only good things for us to live in holiness and power, we have also been called to take part in the glory of the Father. Therefore, nothing can separate us from His love in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38,39). Now we are able to annul the attempts of the wicked one which come to oppress and dominate us. Long live freedom!!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Father, You are worthy of our praise! What Jesus did for us in His death is infinitely greater than the evil in the world. Therefore, we will love You and know You more and more, as You should and can be known.
We want to go to the very end, walking in the Truth and with wisdom. Your justice is our goal. So help us to do what pleases You. Nothing will take us out of Your hands. We will continue to fulfill Your will.
You have called us to Your sheepfold. In giving us Your Spirit, You have enabled us to carry out Your work with distinction. Therefore, we do not accept the devil's offers. We need to behave ourselves with complete freedom to honor Your Name..
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)