> Today´s Message

08/09/2021 - WHERE IS OUR HELP?

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Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. Psalm 124.8

Divine help is the assistance given by God to those in danger, provided they ask with faith – in Jesus’ Name. Man will never have contact with the Father, if it is not through the Word, which once accepted in a heart, produces the necessary faith to approach Him. Without it, it is impossible for anyone to come before the Most High in order to expose their need. Without faith, we do not please the Lord (Hebrews 11.6)!

We know that the Creator is composed of three distinct and separate persons, forming the Being we know as God: the Father, the Son – His Word – and the Holy Spirit, the other Comforter, but the three are One. Jesus affirmed that he only accomplished something if he first saw the Father do it (John 5.19). This “see to do” is the key to exercising a successful ministry.

The key to receiving this help is in the Name of Jesus our Lord. He who receives faith – knows how to act; with peace, he gives his command and the enemy soon obeys him. Nothing will happen without the participation of the three persons of the Holy Trinity. The Father demonstrates His will and the Holy Spirit reveals it to us. Then we determine that something be done, in the name of Jesus, and He Himself does it.

The Lord has given him a Name above all others: Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name (Philippians 2.9). Every saved person can use Him and see wonders happening in a fraction of a second or in a longer time, depending on the faith employed. Those with little faith achieve nothing, but when faith increases, the work is done as God desires.

Upon being informed that a great confederation of nations had gathered to go against his country – Jehoshaphat, king of Judah – made the following decision: Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah (2 Chronicles 20.3). Never put off seeking God’s assistance for later, because such delay may lead to a considerable loss. If you feel an imminent attack of evil, draw near the Lord!

Our Helper, Jesus, came into the world and paid the price that would allow the Lord to deliver us from the empire of darkness. The Son of God was separated from the Father when He took upon Himself our iniquities, transgressions, pains, infirmities and the chastisement that brings us peace. The Scriptures declare that by His wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53:4,5). So, nothing from the enemy can come to us, for having been healed, we are free from all evil.

Paulo declara que a morte (a natureza de Satanás), que se encontra em toda doença, e as tentações que dominam muitos foram tragadas pela vitória de Cristo sobre o diabo. Então, aceite esse fato como consumado e assuma tal conquista. O nosso socorro se encontra no Nome do Senhor, o Criador do Céu e da Terra. A sua luta termina quando você entende ser desnecessário buscar a vitória. Afinal, ela já é sua!

Paul declares that the death (the Satan’s nature) that is found in every disease and the temptations that dominate many – have been swallowed up by Christ’s victory over the devil. So, accept this fact as consummated and assume such a conquest. Our help is found in the Name of the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Your struggle ends when you understand that it is unnecessary to seek victory. After all, it is already yours!

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





God, our Help! We don't need to worry about the evil one's threats. Those who fear him attract him, but those who resist him make him flee, never to attack again. Whoever lives the faith in You, will never bow before any evil!

We don't have to spend our nights pleading for power, to solve any adversity in our life. If we are in Christ and Your Word is in us, there is no reason to despair. As we cry out to You, we will be overcomers!

Your Son, Your Word, made the Heavens and the Earth. He took our pains and our iniquities, so that we need not suffer them. Thus, we demand that the sufferings that surround and oppress us to go away. Thank You! Amen!


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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