Every Hebrew boy, on the eighth day of his birth, was circumcised. The procedure was similar to the phimosis surgery. This “surgery” should be done on the descendants of Jacob, which would forever distinguish them from other people. This institute was essential, so much so that the Lord almost killed Moses for not having carried it out in his children. Moses’ wife called him a bloodthirsty man because of his negligence. Today, spiritual circumcision allows us to serve God in the Spirit.
The Jews rejoiced to be circumcised, but the circumcision they received was in the flesh, which marked them eternally as the descendants of Jacob. In the New Covenant, it is no longer necessary, for when we are born again – repentance, baptism in the waters and in the Holy Spirit – we are circumcised by the Most High. Therefore, do not delay your baptism in the waters. To obey the biblical precepts is of the utmost importance.
Physical circumcision was just religiosity, which, currently, has no relevance regarding to salvation. Many people call themselves Christian because they attend an evangelical church, but in fact, they did not obtain the forgiveness of their sins. So, it’s no use if they declare themselves saved. Whoever truly desires to go to heaven must repent and be converted, so that their sins may be blotted out and the times of refreshing come (Acts 3:19, 20). Halleluiah!
Serve God in the Spirit to be free from the attacks of the kingdom of darkness and have your prayers answered. As long as there is a hidden sin, you cannot enjoy from the presence of the Lord, who is holy. Do not hide the evil that you did to someone. If you do, you will remain under the devil’s oppression. It is time to get rid of iniquity and live with Jesus.
Another key factor that accompanies those that are saved: they rejoice in Christ. Anyone who does not repent or convert, even if he tries, will never be able to live next to the Lord, because while he remains silent his pain increases. Why not look for the one you’ve offended and confess to them? What do you gain by fooling yourself while deceiving the person whom you have caused physical, monetary, or moral injury? Repentance cleanses your heart!
To repent is to begin a victorious life that pleases God and leads all who possess it to live free from evil onslaughts. As long as you remain quiet, your life will be surrounded by temptations. But the moment you put an end to the devil’s proposals, if need be, cut off relations with those who insinuate sinful acts with you. If you do not do this, the devil will remain in your life. Do something about it now, in Jesus Name!
Those who are freed from the flesh please God. With this, they enjoy the abundance that the Savior has brought us. Do not let the enemy invade your heart with pernicious ideas. Only if you know the Truth you will be set free (John 8:32).
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
God, our Advisor! We thank You for having the true circumcision. The mark of Your property is in our spirit. Separated for You, we can be all that You desire us to be, fulfilling Your beautiful plan for humanity.
To please You we must serve You in the Spirit; thus, we will be one with You. Therefore, we will not depart from Your presence. Help us accomplish what You have planned! We are interested in living in Your love and grace.
We want to glory in Christ. With this, we will be free of problems. You are the One in whom we place our faith. Thus, darkness will never again rule over us. You are our Savior!
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)