> Reflections

12/02/2013 - Don’t despair! He is present!


Jesus began performing miracles in Cana of Galilee at a wedding banquet.(John 2.11) The Bible tells us that He and his disciples were invited to the festivity (John 2.2). This decision, which was made by the betrothed, changed the sequence of events dramatically. In the middle of the party, something unexpected occurred; “There is no more wine!” somebody shouted. Unfortunately, many people make decisions in their lives, they marry, move, buy and sell things, and they don’t even bother to invite Jesus to help them make their decisions and when something unexpected occurs, everything ends up in complete chaos!


At this moment, the good time the guests and the couple were having was threatened. Could this provoke the couple’s first fight? Would they begin blaming each other? Maybe the groom would blame his father-in-law, because it was his responsibility to make sure everything ran smoothly. But thankfully, Jesus had been invited. If Christ is present in your life, relax, because everything will work out fine. If you still haven’t invited Him to guide your life, stop whatever you are doing and pray right now, surrendering all your life to Him. (Psalms 37.5)


So then Jesus ordered the employees to fill the jars with water and take them to the master of the banquet. After the master tasted the water which He had turned into wine, he called the groom and said: “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.” Dear brethren, that is what happens when Christ is present. The best always comes last. Whether you have been converted recently or a long time ago and think that Jesus has done everything He could in your life, you are totally mistaken. The best is still to come! I advise you to invite Him to be a part in all of your plans, your life, your day to day chores, and you will see that when He is present the party will never end even if something unexpected happens. He has the best reserved for you!



May the Lord Jesus bless you!

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