The vile person rejects God’s offer to convert and please Him. Thus, by continuing to delight in wickedness, he is condemned by the Lord. The reprobate must never become a model for the servants of the Most High. In fact, we must imitate Jesus in our actions by doing as He did.
The mission of Christians is to teach others to be servants of righteousness and live blamelessly. This will make them successful. He who honors the Lord soon becomes known, for he has authority over all things concerning him, rebukes the onslaught of evil upon himself and his family, and resists temptation.
The pulpit is no place to praise a sinner who excels in any activity, even though he is meritorious or benevolent, for our tongue should not praise those who despise the Lord. Our statements must serve to rescue them from error, and to do so, wisdom is needed in everything. We can tell him who is praised that it would be best if he recognized where his ability came from – God.
As we exalt a sinner, or seek someone to help us in some way, we give him the feeling that he is better than the heavenly Father. Mercy! We cannot collaborate with the wrong practices of those who do not know the Word. Christian employees should treat their employers well, without recognizing in them the source of something. Your salary is no favor!
On the other hand, we must honor God, for He uses us to show His great love for all, especially for His servants. In spiritual warfare for one’s soul, we are soldiers of the cross ready to intercede for the lost, and not push them downhill. So let us live with dignity, holiness, and readiness in the service of the Lord. Everyone has to be treated with decency and seriousness. God is Faithful!
When we give our word, we need to keep it. Do not get carried away by the employees of a company, because you must only be guided by the Holy Spirit. Avoid confusion and be part of the solution. Being righteous, our prayer avails much (James 5:16). Remember: God guides your life. If you are nothing in the eyes of the world, you are precious and useful in the eyes of the Father.
To fail to love the Lord, do His will, and witness to the Truth is to err completely. Your word should always be yes, without falling back on your commitment. With trial, honor will come at the right time when you lay hold of divine authority and live a righteous life according to Scriptures. God has entrusted you with His message!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Father! We want to glorify You in everything, so help us, Lord. The forces of darkness cannot direct or disturb us, because, having the authority of the Name of Jesus, we will never surrender to them.
We cannot collaborate with the devil or his demons in their work of destruction. We long to be honored by You in everything and honor those who serve You, for he is our brother.
If we have committed our word, we must fulfill it with Your help. Convince us when we are wrong. Thus, You will be glorified with our actions within the Word. Thank You for helping us serve You with dignity and love.
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)