Those who do not know how good it is to suffer for the Lord’s sake need to be willing to go through trials. When God guides us, we do not have to be afraid that He make us “surround the enemy´s land,” for, once in the love of Hw who is the strongest, we will be confident to go to our destination. Do not forget what He said: No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling (Psalm 91:10).
It is good to look at the Word at critical times. Sometimes what seems to be bad may be just the opposite, as was the case with the Israelites when they surrounded Edom. At the beginning of the journey, one of Esau’s descendants became impatient and attacked Jacob’s sons. He acted “preemptively”, fearing being attacked by Israel. But why were Jacob´s sons distressed as they surrounded this land? Were they afraid?
When the soul is distressed, faith ceases to exist. It may seem paradoxical, but fear and faith are the same, though opposite to each other. He who is afraid respects the devil; he who has faith, respects God. With fearful souls, those men spoke against Moses and the Most High, saying they were taken from Egypt and slavery to die in the desert, where there was neither food nor water (Numbers 21: 5). They despised manna, the bread of angels!
They had no right to speak that way, because from the moment they left Egypt, God worked a miracle in their lives never before seen. As they walked with the Almighty, they felt no need to drink water, for He multiplied it in each of the trillions of cells of the body of each person. But when they sinned, the worst happened and they faced the punishment for their mistake; this time, poisonous serpents (v. 6).
After accepting Jesus, the law of the Spirit of life in Christ delivers us from the law of sin and death (Romans 8: 2). Manna was the perfect food for them, so they never got sick. They were more than three million people walking in the desert and as long as they did not sin, no evil came upon them. However, because of what they said, poisonous serpents bit them, killing them like killing a mosquito.
The family leaders came to the conclusion of why these serpents came and so they went to Moses to confess their sins and ask him to pray for them. The Lord gave the medicine, and the man of God immediately made an object and set it on a pole (v. 8). Those who had been bitten by snakes should look at the metal statue hanging from a pole to be healed of the evil caused by the lethal poison.
It was a symbolism of what is happening to people today. Whoever sins, regardless of the transgression committed, by “looking” at the crucified Jesus, is soon healed. Deliver yourself from the consequence of distressing and speaking against the Savior, because He has already taken your pains, sicknesses, transgressions, and iniquities! Believe to live well!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
O God! We have sinned just like the Israelites; that's why the enemy has hit us. As we are Your children and we do not accept the onslaughts of the devil, nor can we lose salvation, we confess our mistakes and ask for forgiveness.
May we never fear to surround the land of those who hate us! We are moved by the desire to give them the knowledge of Your plan of salvation, that they may love You and do Your will. Help Your Church reach the world!
Looking at Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, it is clear: we will be redeemed from our sins and can come into Your presence at will, without fear of being kicked out. We want to know You more and more and live in You.
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)