> Reflections

12/02/2013 - No Matter What Happens, Keep Doing Good


Have you ever felt as if you were working in vain, as if all your efforts to preserve a good reputation and credibility among your family and friends were totally useless? Have you ever felt you were in a situation where it seemed that time was at a standstill? That you were spinning your wheels and getting nowhere as time slipped past?


Everyone experiences this. We’ve all been through these times in our lives and when it happens; we all ask ourselves the same question: “What am I doing wrong?” And then we seek the Word of God which guides us: In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening do not withhold your hand; for you do not know what shall be blessed, either this or that, or whether they both shall be fruitful in the same way (Ecclesiastes 11:6).
The Holy Scripture says we should keep doing good, the best we can, even in hard times, when we are suffering through adversity. In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening do not withhold your hand. After a long day’s work, many times we are tired, but God says do not withhold your hand… in other words, we should believe in what we sow. If you are fighting spiritual battles for your family, striving to bring people to Christ and working hard to improve your financial situation, persevere because the results will come.
The Lord God has established universal rules which cannot be broken. The Lord says that all that the man sows, he will reap, and Jesus also said that you can’t reap figs from the thorns. In other words, if someone sows something good, he will certainly reap a good harvest. If you are going through a difficult time, keep striving.
How many are fooled and saying, “If things got better, I would be faithful to God”? Or, “If my husband were converted, things would be different?” Or, “If I were still single…” But we know that this is ignorance of the Word of God, because it says: He who watches the wind shall not sow; and he who pays attention to the clouds shall not reap (Ecclesiastes 11:4).
Don’t sit around with your arms folded for the right moment to do this or that. Start doing right now what is good – take hold of God’s Word – do good, even if everything seems to be going bad. Believe that whatever you sow today, you will reap tomorrow. If you sow love, compassion, joy, peace and forgiveness, certainly you will reap the harvest of these same seeds that you have sowed in the hearts of those who are around you.
If you are tired of your routine or your responsibilities, remember that God has told us that we must persevere in righteousness and believe in the results of what we sow. Let us not grow weary in well doing, nor faint; for in due season we shall reap.
Don’t faint, don’t get weary, continue your struggle, and believe that you will reap what you have sowed. No matter what happens, your efforts and dedication shall be rewarded.

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