> Reflections

12/02/2013 - Overcoming our Weaknesses


This month’s message is a summary of Chapters 18 and 19, in the first book of Kings. The Prophet Elijah used courage and boldness to advise the people of Israel at a time when they were having difficulties choosing between God and Baal (the god of the Canaanites – whom Queen Jezebel and King Ahab worshipped).


Elijah stood alone before a crowd, and without any hesitation, challenged 450 prophets of Baal to invoke their god, whilst he called upon the Lord. He then announced that the god who answered their cry by sending down fire upon the offering which was laid upon the altars would be the true God (1 King 18.22-24).


Elijah’s boldness was outstanding. Whilst the false prophets of Baal called on their god, he, with unshakeable belief in the power of the God he served, mocked the idolaters who cut themselves with knives as they called on Baal for fire (1 King 18:27).


This is the first lesson. There are many times in our lives when we are faced with tough challenges and therefore become tense and nervous. By doing this, we lose our sense of humor and our joy. We stop smiling and singing and refuse to do things as a result of our hardships. However, we need to overcome this weakness because when we act like this we are proving that we don’t believe the same way Elijah did.


After the shameful defeat of the prophets of Baal (who begged in vain for him to answer them), it was Elijah’s turn. The Lord answered His prophet’s prayer with fire (1 King 18:38), causing all the people to believe that only He was God. Soon after that, Elijah decided “to get to the root of the problem”. He ordered the people to bind all the false prophets and take them to the Brook Kishon and have them executed there. When Queen Jezebel discovered what was happening, she sent to tell Elijah that as a punishment for what he had done to the false prophets, he would suffer the exact same punishment. She swore that by the very next day he would be dead.


In 1 Kings 19:3, it says that Elijah received Jezebel’s message and in complete despair, ran into the desert to escape. What had happened to the boldness and courage of the one who had challenged the 450 prophets of Baal? Where was the man, who mocked his adversaries because he believed in the God of Israel, going to run?


This is the second lesson we have to learn. Many times a simple word is enough to make us behave like Elijah. Only one threat from the Queen and bold Elijah ran out into the desert.


After walking an entire day through the desert, Elijah got tired and sat down beneath the shade of a tree. Then, in a complete state of despair, he asked God for death (1 Kings 19.4).


When we walk without guidance from the Father or run away because we’ve been ignoring the Word of God (listening to negative things), we become tired and end up in a situation way over our heads.


If you are feeling fed up with your job, your family or your environment, this is a bad sign. It is an indication that negative words and problems are influencing you and breaking down your resistance.


After being delivered from his depression, Elijah ate some food that the angels brought him, and walked for 40 days and nights through the desert until he came to a cave. There he met God. When he came out of the cave, the prophet’s strength had been renewed, because he had received a word of victory and believed in it.


This is the third lesson we need to learn: we must change our focus and nourish ourselves with the Food that God gives us – His Word – so that when we our strength is restored, we will be able to walk and hear the Lord’s voice. Nourish yourself with this Word every day and be a blessing!

> Today´s Message


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