> Reflections

12/02/2013 - Rest for the Tired


There’s nothing better than to
rest after a long business trip – to be able to get home, take a shower, eat
something, and enjoy a well deserved rest. And why not talk about summer
vacations?? It’s so good to have 30 days off after working a whole year, facing
heavy traffic, competition and day to day budgeting!

However, what happens when resting the
body is not enough to eliminate all the problems? After all, our souls are also
distressed, we feel dissatisfaction with our lives, and we don’t believe in

God, the wise Creator of the Universe,
made man’s heart, and He knows that we need to find rest for our Spirit. That’s
why He says, Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest” (Matt
11:28). The invitation is “still open!” He’s still inviting all those who are tired
and weary, who are struggling, who are making efforts, who are dedicating
themselves, but, at the end of the day, feel tired and weak. Come… and I will give you rest.

is calling you, dear brethren, to a resting place. In Matthew, chapter 11,
verse 29, it says, Take
My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you
shall find rest to your souls.”

can and wants to give you peace in your life, to relieve you from your burdens,
to remove all anguish and sadness from your heart.

Lord, through His Word, reveals His plan and His perfect will to those who
believe in Him. The psalmist David said of the Lord, The Lord is my Shepherd;
I shall not want.
2 He
makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul; He leads me in paths
of righteousness for His name’s sake” (Ps 23.1-3).

He wants to be with you, my dear brethren,
and He wants to remove the heavy burdens from your life, to restore your strength,
and to fulfill all your needs.

You may be asking yourself what you
need to do to receive all that and how to reach the favor of God so you can be
blessed. To receive that relief, you just have to do one thing, wherever you
are right now, call on the Name of Jesus and give your life to Him. I am sure
that He will do much more for you than the things I have written here. His Word
guarantees that the Lord is powerful to do much more for us than all we ask for
or imagine. So, if you just believe in Him, and call on Him, He will certainly
listen to you.

I would like to make a special
invitation: join us, participate in our services, in which you will learn about
the promises of God, and how He has already prepared a place of rest for you.

> Today´s Message


> Agenda

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