> Today´s Message

05/12/2012 - A very important request

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Brethren, pray for us.

I Thessalonians 5: 25

What a humble and utterly significant request! The attitude of the apostle Paul by asking the Thessalonians, his children of faith, to pray on his behalf and that of his ministerial group proved once more his humility and it was one more of his so precious lessons for them not to forget they were members of the divine family. Paul recognised that the people of Thessalonica had been granted by The Lord prerogatives which, as long as used, would benefit anybody.

Our contemporary Christians have learnt that they have no value by themselves at all since their salvation comes just from Grace. Part of it is true considering that we were saved by the Grace of our Lord – but what caused our God to adopt us as His children? He, undoubtedly, saw in us something we can’t see now and later on He turned us into members of His family by covering us up with authority (John 1: 12). Not using such prerogatives in Christ is a total waste. 

How was it possible for the apostle to request a prayer to those people he himself had been used to deliver them from false religions and even demons? The truth is that because we’re saved we’re no longer the people we used to be in the past. Our errors are justified by salvation and there is no condemnation upon us now (Romans 8: 1). This way we can enter the divine presence and request blessings for the lost and those who are in The Way as well.

The saved are members to each one in that praying for our brothers must be the most natural attitude for those who participate in The Body of Christ. As we’re aware of the fact that a brother is facing troubled times, either a disease, sinning, persecution or any other hellish assault it’s up to us to intervene for them. God needs people who stand in the gap before Him on behalf of His people (Ezekiel 22:30) by building up a bridge for Him to assist those who are in need.

The Word of The Lord states that a prayer said by a righteous man can be massively effective (James 5: 16) and those who are born again have become righteousness of God (II Corinthians 5: 21). Therefore, when that new creation intercedes for someone else they manage to cause The Lord to operate on behalf of that life. The children of The Most High of these days should be more active in faith and, thus, those who’d find themselves facing any hindrance would have their needs met in due time.

It’d be a good idea for a Christian – either a minister of The Word or a layman – not to act like Peter did who, at one point, despised our Master’s intercession (refer to Luke 22: 31 – 34). Abraham was almost successful in saving Sodom from destruction (Genesis 18: 23 – 33). Don’t despise someone’s outcry on your behalf and don’t be intimidated to ask for prayers on your behalf! God always has someone ready to pray for your life.

Facing the horrible persecution which was then raging the church in Jerusalem they prayed to The Lord in order for Him to use them more in the ministration of The Word and also to perform miracles. And the outcome of that was the progress of the work of God and thousands of people being saved. You, your family and The Church of God will grow dramatically if someone takes up their ministry of intercession.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message




- A very important request

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Brethren, pray for us.

I Thessalonians 5: 25

What a humble and utterly significant request! The attitude of the apostle Paul by asking the Thessalonians, his children of faith, to pray on his behalf and that of his ministerial group proved once more his humility and it was one more of his so precious lessons for them not to forget they were members of the divine family. Paul recognised that the people of Thessalonica had been granted by The Lord prerogatives which, as long as used, would benefit anybody.

Our contemporary Christians have learnt that they have no value by themselves at all since their salvation comes just from Grace. Part of it is true considering that we were saved by the Grace of our Lord – but what caused our God to adopt us as His children? He, undoubtedly, saw in us something we can’t see now and later on He turned us into members of His family by covering us up with authority (John 1: 12). Not using such prerogatives in Christ is a total waste. 

How was it possible for the apostle to request a prayer to those people he himself had been used to deliver them from false religions and even demons? The truth is that because we’re saved we’re no longer the people we used to be in the past. Our errors are justified by salvation and there is no condemnation upon us now (Romans 8: 1). This way we can enter the divine presence and request blessings for the lost and those who are in The Way as well.

The saved are members to each one in that praying for our brothers must be the most natural attitude for those who participate in The Body of Christ. As we’re aware of the fact that a brother is facing troubled times, either a disease, sinning, persecution or any other hellish assault it’s up to us to intervene for them. God needs people who stand in the gap before Him on behalf of His people (Ezekiel 22:30) by building up a bridge for Him to assist those who are in need.

The Word of The Lord states that a prayer said by a righteous man can be massively effective (James 5: 16) and those who are born again have become righteousness of God (II Corinthians 5: 21). Therefore, when that new creation intercedes for someone else they manage to cause The Lord to operate on behalf of that life. The children of The Most High of these days should be more active in faith and, thus, those who’d find themselves facing any hindrance would have their needs met in due time.

It’d be a good idea for a Christian – either a minister of The Word or a layman – not to act like Peter did who, at one point, despised our Master’s intercession (refer to Luke 22: 31 – 34). Abraham was almost successful in saving Sodom from destruction (Genesis 18: 23 – 33). Don’t despise someone’s outcry on your behalf and don’t be intimidated to ask for prayers on your behalf! God always has someone ready to pray for your life.

Facing the horrible persecution which was then raging the church in Jerusalem they prayed to The Lord in order for Him to use them more in the ministration of The Word and also to perform miracles. And the outcome of that was the progress of the work of God and thousands of people being saved. You, your family and The Church of God will grow dramatically if someone takes up their ministry of intercession.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

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Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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