> Today´s Message


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The Jews therefore said to him who was cured, “It is the Sabbath; it is not lawful for you to carry your bed.

John 5:10

Religious zealots may keep you from receiving and keeping your miracle. They act this way because they have not had a real experience with God, but a mere mental ascent. Now, this kind of faith is dangerous because, besides being of no help at all, they represent a hindrance to those who live under the law of freedom, which is the Gospel. Religion is so pernicious that its adepts reach the point of accepting wrongful practices as something normal.

In John’s Gospel, we see that the blind faith of that sick man made him remain sitting on the edge of the pool for thirty-eight years, waiting to be healed. He must have been extremely religious. However, over time he probably became resentful and hopeless. Upon being found by Jesus he did not even notice that his chance had come. But wisely, the Savior made him do the right thing: he no longer needed prayer, but action.

Religion did not heal that man in any of the other six days of the week upon which there were no restrictions. Actually, the religious Jews did not even understand the meaning of the Sabbath. Today, we see good hearted people who are zealous in religious causes that do not help at all. If, however, they do not open their eyes, one day when they wake up on the other side they will see they were not saved and all the things they did with blind faith was a waste of time.

Jesus is sovereign over all religious precepts. He can, for example, turn holy an individual who has strayed from the Ways of the Lord, who has lived a life of crime or has indulged in any other devilish practice. Religion proves itself inefficient in the face of situations like these in that it states that he who is born evil will die evil. All wickedness perpetrated in the name of religion serves to prove that it is not based on the Truth. Only the Gospel – which is not religion – is the divine power that provides salvation and all other blessings.

If the religious people were godly, they would have rejoiced when the sick man was healed; after all, a man who had been paralyzed for thirty-eight years was healed. If they feared the Lord, there would be no disputes that have been going on until today before our eyes. Fear makes people respect the differences and even diseases are healed. Those who truly serve the Most High delight in what He does for the needy.

That man knew the religious precept, but he did not want to disobey the One who could restore his health. Because he believed that an angel would come down to stir the water, he spent most part of his life waiting. Now, however, because he was healed effortlessly, he knew he should do what he was told. May you do the same today!

In Christ with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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