> Today´s Message


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Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. (Romans 1:27)

The verse above is embedded in a context that has to do with the homosexuals who were burned in the lust of their hearts and uncleanness and therefore received in themselves the due penalty of their error. A person who commits this act may try to disguise it in every possible way, but will not be able to hide it for long because a word or gesture can betray him immediately.  

It is inevitable that every action discloses the individual who did it. By the works they do, whether good or bad, people are discovered because there is no such thing as perfect crime and sooner or later it will be found out. These things happen because the author of any abnormality is the devil, who is imperfect. Only God is perfect and does not do anything wrong. He is justice, and those who are servants of justice will have the Lord’s assistance.

The same occurs with the person who walks in the path of crime. A criminal shows his demeanor as if his crimes were written on his forehead. Some try to disguise posing as good guys but actually, just by looking at them, we notice that behind that smile and that apparent kindness there is a murderer, a culprit.

The thief has a gaze that betrays him. The way he observes things when he looks at people, the way he walks and his gestures leave no doubt as to the his type of livelihood, which is stealing what belongs to others. But the truth is that those who practice shameful acts receive from the Lord the due penalty for their errors.

The adulterous woman is known by the clothes she wears, the way she speaks, the way she looks at people and walks. She pretends to be in love with her husband and spares no compliments when talking about him. To the unwary, it seems she loves and respects her other half passionately, but for those who can read between the lines, such behavior is actually a kind of password for sinful adventures. The same happens with the unfaithful husband: he tells everyone how precious his wife is, however at the first opportunity he betrays her brazenly.

The dishonest politician is known by the way he talks. In short, those who observe how people behave will be able to choose what type of company or friends they want to have. Those who serve God have a gentle look, a spirit of peace and do not indulge in vanity (Psalm 15), for their pleasure is fulfilling the divine will.

In Christ with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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