God’s will for mercy must be studied; thus, we will always obey Him. Strive never to fall into the temptation to create things that the Lord will reject; after all, our righteousness is like filthy rag (Is 64.6). Our best autonomous acts will not be accepted by Who is complete in Himself. Who are we to teach the Lord how to act or guide us?
Why try to buy the favor of the Almighty with sacrifices, if He does not look like the demons, who charge for the “service” provided? In his vain quest to get rid of misfortunes, man is led by deceivers. These use the power of darkness to help them. Remember: we only need the Lord!
Even if the servants of the evil one were interested in helping us, we should not even examine their proposals, because, behind them, there is the infernal power to steal, kill and destroy (Jn 10.10). Having compassion goes beyond showing solidarity to those who have suffered a tragedy. The merciful gives himself body and soul to lift the fallen, without measuring the cost of such a work. Therefore, only those who use the Word help others.
The Most High wishes mercy, and if we want to please Him, we must exercise it; otherwise, no action from us will be accepted. Why spend time practicing something worthless to fulfill our purposes? Whoever sacrifices himself for the needy may be imbued with a greatness of soul, but if this condition is not given to him by God, it will be worthless.
Fulfilling the will of the High means to seek divine wisdom and endeavor to transmit it. In doing so, you will be rewarded. The sacrifice pleasing to the Lord is made with worship, hymns and praise from a pure and sincere heart. Understanding will make it useful to those who do not know how to get rid of their misfortunes.
Whoever knows the Lord is of great value to people. When chaos settles in a community or life, only the person who knows how to speak to the Father and will help the adversary’s victims through him. Never get involved in any worldly friendship, because temptations will come that will bring you suffering or eternal scars.
Not all of Israel are Israelis (Rom. 9:6). Temptations must be suppressed promptly, or you will have problems. Never let worldly feelings penetrate your heart, because they are weapons of Hell to get you out of the Lord’s presence. Be holy throughout your being, and God will help you!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Father! The religious man is mistaken, strictly obeying dogmas. Thus, he achieves nothing. We see, even in the Gospel, multitudes not being interested in the Word. They need to get the best out of you!
Whoever blindly follows the rituals of religions without seeking Your will is wrong. For these poor lives, we beg Your action and Your love. You don't want to see anyone sacrificing themselves to try to please You!
You want to give the best to everyone, making them know you and know what actions were taken to get them out of the darkness. With the understanding of Your will, we will enjoy the best that comes from Your presence!
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)