> Today´s Message

15/12/2012 - Called children of God

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Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.

I John 3: 1

Human reasoning will never be able to understand the love of God. It’s much easier for a tiny aunt to build a spacecraft to reach the other planets than men to fully understand such feeling. However, for us to become members of the divine family The Lord showed His great love towards us. That reveals how far away mankind was from Him and what The Most High did in order to bring mankind back to His Kingdom.

The fact that we are called children of God is utterly important considering that we were taken out of the kingdom of darkness (I Peter 2: 9). Today, the devil has no dominion upon us and that’s the reason why he cannot force us into doing whatever he pleases. The good news is that we can enjoy the company of The Lord and become partakers of His very essence. We aren’t just forgiven sinners but we’ve become His children in the full sense of this word (John 1: 12).

A son is a blood heir and therefore he’s entitled to inherit all his father’s possessions. So, it’d be for us to understand that we’re not only looking for heavenly miracles but we’re also partakers of the divine essence. At the end of the day we don’t have to nag The Lord to get something that already belongs to us; we have to stand firm in faith and once we’ve made known our needs to Him we must believe that they will indeed be met.

In the parable of the prodigal son we can see that the one who remained in his fatherly house was much wealthier than the one who was wasting his father’s resources in a foreign land. When the latter came back home and was welcomed with a feast the oldest one was in anger. He was really upset due to the fact of his father never really being keen on offering him such a lavish banquet and his father, astonished, went on saying that all of his possessions belonged to him as well (Luke 15: 25 – 31).

We can see many children of The Lord wasting His resources nowadays. Failing to use the power of God, failing to cry out for your rights in Christ to enjoy the riches of The Most High is actually wasting your inheritance in Christ. What’s the point of going through suffering if the power of God can operate on your behalf by exterminating all that wrongdoing in your life? Right now, in case you’re in need of help you ought to turn to your Father and believe the victory is yours.

The fact of our not being honoured by many people on occasion and, in some cases, even of our being persecuted by them takes place on account of our life not being lived completely in accordance with the fullness of The Gospel. Paul said that The Gospel is the power of God (Romans 1: 16; I Corinthians 1: 18) not a religion, not men’s doctrines nor a set of rules to make you live away from the good things life has to offer. IT’S the divine power to sanctify you and, at the same time, to lead you to live an abundant life.

As more and more people get to know the Gospel, the more recognition we get and the better our lives become. Therefore, let’s give a good witness of The Truth with factual evidence of matters given. Then we’ll be leading many people into salvation which is the will of The Lord for everybody.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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