> Today´s Message

30/03/2011 - Comfort and protection at all times

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“But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3: 3)
The devil’s around, but we mustn’t be shocked with his roaring because the Lord’s faithful and He gives us comfort and protection. What’s there to fear then?
The Word of God states that the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5: 8). Yet, we mustn’t fear him because if he was able to cause us any harm the Lord wouldn’t allow him to be that powerful. All we’ve got to do is to stand firm in our faith for our enemy’s assaults not to be noticed. You’ve got to know that the devil can only devour those who aren’t using their faith and don’t keep their position.
We don’t need to be shaken by Satan’s roaring; he knows that’s all he can manage to do to those who are at the feet of the Lord. After all, there’s a fire wall about us wrapping us up. That wall is our very God who tells us that no evil will come to us and no plague will assault our tent (Psalm 91: 10). So, let’s be sensible, let’s keep an eye wide open and not give the devil a foothold.
God will never fail to be faithful. All of His children who fight with faith and won’t give way to the enemy, whatever the circumstances, will witness that the Almighty God does honour His promises thoroughly and precisely. Though Heavens and Earth might pass, all of the Lord’s promises and statements will be fulfilled, for there’s only one unchangeable thing in life: the Word of our God (Luke 21: 33).
The term “establish” in the verse above can also be translated as “confirm”. That means that in the battles against the devil’s assaults, the Lord will confirm us as His people and He’ll also give us a hand to overcome all of them. Don’t confess what our opponent’s willing to hear if you’re going through any difficulty or trial now; negative words gives him strength to carry on with his assaults
against you. Just speak out what the Lord’s telling us in the Scriptures; this way you’ll overcome all evil attacks.
We don’t need to hear anything else regarding the things the Most High can do for us; “He’ll guard us from the evil” – that statement is enough. Remember that the Lord will protect you whenever an assault against your life comes up. So, stand up and fight the devil knowing that the Guard of Israel is your shelter. No devil’s arrow will go through God’s bunker to hit you. If it seems something has already harmed you, stand up in faith and rebuke that evil. No enemy’s lies will prevail against you.
Those who hold on to the Word mustn’t fear any devil’s threat; they’re guarded by the Lord. Now, Satan will be able to harm those Christians that fear indeed; those that demonstrate they don’t trust in the Word of our Creator. You must begin praying and asking the Lord to forgive you for allowing our opponent to cheat you, and then you must rebuke him and also command him and his evil deeds to get out of your way as you feel any devilish assaults about to occur. After all, the One who’s faithful surely guards you!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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