> Today´s Message


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And I find more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets whose hands are fetters. He who pleases God shall escape from her but the sinner shall be trapped by her.

Ecclesiastes 7:26

In this biblical passage the Word of God is certainly not referring to all women but a specific one: the one whose heart is snares and nets and whose hands are fetters. My brethren, that admonishment was not recorded by chance but for everybody to be cautious of that woman who actually symbolizes not only a female person with all the characteristics described in the verse above, but also all men that let themselves be carried away by people like that.
Those who do not want to have serious problems must be wise and prudent, and keep distance from that kind of person in order not to get involved with her. Actually, avoiding her is the most sensible thing to do because even if it seems an exaggeration, those who let themselves be used by that kind of “woman” end up going through a suffering that is worse than death, after all she is capable of making her victims suffer so much that they would be better off dead. With her heart filled up with lies she entangles anyone and, without measuring the consequences of her attitudes, – usually through deceit, wickedness and betrayal – she drives the unwary to despair.
This kind of woman – who is seductive and can be found anywhere – has a smooth talk and a captivating look, besides being always full of surprises. Yet, sin dwells in her heart and fills it up with snares and nets. She is always devising ways through which she can surprise the incautious who cross her way.
Some Christians strive to show they are good before men – which is commendable -, but better yet is to be good before our Father because only those who reach that status manage to avoid those messengers sent from hell to make us suffer.
If you strive to respect the Word of God, you will see that it is the safest way to avoid being caught up by someone harmful whose wrist is full of bandages ready to tie up those who do not seek to do the divine will appropriately!
Think it over: there are many good people in the world. So, what is the point of letting yourself get involved with that kind of woman depicted in the Bible? She is the kind of person used by the Lord to represent sinners; therefore, the right thing to do is to run away from her. Meditate on that biblical instruction and sanctify yourself because those who carry on sinning will see, sooner or later, that it does not pay off. Do not be friends with someone else more closely than with God and do not sell your freedom, which was conquered on the Calvary cross for too high a price. Instead, do accept that divine counselling and follow it by not wasting your freedom of holiness to which you have been called.
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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