> Today´s Message


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Oh, visit me with Your salvation

Psalm 106:4b

The salvation of our life is the most important work that the Lord can do in our behalf. It gives us free access to the throne of grace where all things are decided and it also gives us authority over the devil, sin and other works of the enemy. Once we are saved, we find ourselves out of Satan’s reach, and then the demons that threatened and oppressed us before now avoid us because they know that we are clothed with celestial fire.
The work that Jesus did in order to save us is much more complex than we can imagine: by shedding His blood, He redeemed us from falling, in all points, and we were justified and reconciled to God. So now there is no condemnation to us (Romans 8:1).
The great tragedy that surrounds millions of people is that they ignore what salvation represents and therefore they stay out of the work that the Lord is doing in the lives of all those who believe in Him. They believe that by becoming religious they will please God, but the truth is quite different: the Father\’s heart rejoices when we act according to His Word.
You\’re not reading this by accident, nor is it by chance that someone abandons sin and seeks God\’s house. It is the Lord who draws man to the truth, just by loving him. The Father does this because He has a purpose in His heart, which is to save lives. The Almighty does not want you to be defeated, bound by sin and dominated by dark forces. Rather, His project is to see you completely free, without lacking anything.
When we receive Jesus in our lives, our position in Christ is highly favored because we are saved and given the power to become children of God in every way. Once we are clothed with authority we can – and we should – demand the departure of the evil that’s attacking us. No matter what kind of demon it is or what area of our life he is attacking: if we rebuke it in Jesus\’ name, it will leave.
Dear readers, through salvation you have been reconnected with the Creator. Now nothing separates you from the only and powerful God (Romans 8:38-39). Do not be shy! If you have already surrendered to the Lord, you are saved and your name is written in the Book of Life (Revelation 3:5). So stand up now and take your place in Him!
In Christ with love,
R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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