> Today´s Message


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But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak. (I Corinthians 8:9)

We are free not to sin. All things are clean and lawful, but all things are not helpful (I Corinthians 6:12), thus if something is lawful but becomes a stumbling block it must be avoided. If it causes any damage to the faith of the weak, your testimony must be greater than anything; after all we must live to please the Lord.

Jesus promised that if we leave something for His sake, we will receive a hundredfold (Mark 10:29-30). Well, what else would we need most in this life if we have God\’s presence? Be content with what the Father gives you. If it is abundance, glory to God! If scarcity, glory be to Him! We will always be well with the Most High and that\’s what matters (Philippians 4:11-13).

Paul was writing about food sacrificed to idols, but his warning is for other subjects too. Although we know that in Christ we are free from all things, some still do not fully understand the Word of God and therefore they may stumble. So the best thing to do is to accept the apostolic orientation and not get involved in anything that might cause you damage due to someone else’s trespasses.

According to the word of the Lord, our freedom ends when it begins to offend someone weak in faith (Romans 14) and these limits should be respected, so make sure you are using your freedom wisely. The guidance is to be followed to the letter: do not be responsible for the sin of any child of the Lord (Luke 17:1-2), but strive at all costs to glorify the Name of the Father and to fulfill the task that has been assigned to you. Do not act like the whining child who throws tantrums for having been denied a toy. The important thing is not to be in opposition to God\’s plan or cause harm to someone whose life He is raising.

Let no one be offended by your behavior, the words you speak, the stories you tell, the decisions you make (I Timothy 4:12). Whatever you do, my brethren, make a sacrifice of praise to the Lord, for it is better to lose something than letting anyone get lost due to something wrong you might have done. God has much more to give you; you do not need anything that offends anyone.

Make sure the weak are not exposed due to the extension of the liberty you have in Christ. That goes for everything, but especially to the spiritual matters. It is better to ask the Lord to strengthen those who are unable to see you enjoying your understanding in the Lord. Over time, after being fortified, that person will no longer be an impediment; however, beware that this liberty you have in the Good Shepherd is not a license to sin.

In Christ with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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