> Today´s Message


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…as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance

I Peter 1:14

God has only one class of children: the obedient. When one of His servants fails to heed what He declares through the Word, he or she is conveyed in the category of the disqualified. Some even try to stay in the church attending its meetings, but this alone will not help them. Indeed, there will be deprived of communion with the heavens until they repent and convert. There are also those who continue attending church services just because they have become accustomed to the good atmosphere that pervades God\’s house, but they do not feel the divine presence because their actions are motivated out of sheer habit.

The Lord\’s true Church is made up of people who serve the Almighty in spirit and in truth. So, whoever refuses to listen to what He says cannot be part of the Body of Christ. The Savior died to take us out of this sinful world, to transform us into godly people and to give us victory over all the lusts of the flesh. But he who lets such lusts exert lordship over his life is going against the divine plan for mankind and therefore he can no longer walk with the Lord. 

When we did not belong to the Body of Christ our lusts were unrestrained due to our lack of knowledge of the Scriptures. However, when we received illumination from Above we were cleansed in clean water – which is the Word of God – and then we were delivered from those unpleasant feelings. Even so, sometimes the devil tempts us because his intent is to lead us astray. The sad thing is that some are seduced by Satan’s lies even if for a short period of time they appear to be servants of the Most High. Then, with each passing day, these people will stop willing to stand firm in the church because in their hearts, which have been corrupted, they will start nitpicking about \”flaws\” in the Lord’s house.

With the new birth we become light in the Lord (Ephesians 5:8). Therefore, we must walk as such, not as people who have been disqualified, as people who have lost their minds and, therefore, have become slaves to passions and sins. The divine message is for us not to conform ourselves to the desires that formerly existed in us. We are no longer at the time of ignorance, now the eyes of our spirits have been enlightened and we have the obligation to walk in a way that is pleasing to our Father.

My brethren, do not take back the lust of the flesh, but be full of good wishes and strong in the holiness that has clothed you since you accepted Jesus. Start focusing on what comes from on High (Colossians 3:2), on what you should do to glorify the name of the Lord. In so doing, you shall not be reached by the temptations that used to have a hold on you. Now you are a new creation and therefore you cannot let the devil bother you. Be wise and live freely!

In Christ with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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