> Today´s Message


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Poverty and shame will come to him who disdains correction, but he who regards a rebuke will be honored. (Proverbs 13:18)

As a father corrects his son because he loves him, so the Lord disciplines us (Hebrews 12:6). In His love, He corrects us so we will not fall into the wiles of the devil. If we have walked down the wrong path, there will be nothing left for us but eternal damnation and suffering. But then His love prevails and He corrects us. The admonition is given through the Word and, in some cases, through the feeling that God has shunned us from His presence and thereby our soul feels abandoned. The right thing to do is not to disdain the divine correction!

He who regards a rebuke learns from the Master how to prevent the spirit of error from leading him along his tortuous ways. The enemy tries his best to snatch us from the One who is Perfection because he knows we will be happy forever having God by our side. For those who are still young in faith, to be rebuked and corrected is not always good. But instead of praying for the Lord not to correct us, we should ask Him to never deprive us from His teaching because we need to improve our walk towards salvation.

Poverty and shame will come to him who disdains the divine correction. This person no longer hears what the Word tells him; he has no more revelations, he forgets the lessons he learned and is no longer visited by the Lord. His life becomes miserable, cold and without manifestations of the power of the Almighty. This has repercussions even in his material life. If you do not want to be affronted by the devil and do not want to be embarrassed for being deprived of your authority in Christ, give way to the teaching of the true Teacher.

The rebuke of the Lord is to be kept. His rebuke teaches us not only once, but always. If you learn the lesson and keep the teaching in your mind, whenever temptations arise, you will not be carried away by them. Once you pass the test, you will become cognizant of that subject. After having gotten rid of a devilish attack, you will not only be kept from being the victim of another, but you will also assist others to not fall prey to the traps of the enemy.

If poverty comes to those who disdain correction, the opposite is also true – those who regard a rebuke will be enriched. So, discipline is a blessing to be wished for and sought after. The good students of the \”School of the Holy Spirit\” are rewarded by the Heavens. So make sure you are always among those who learn and make a difference.

Answer honestly: how do you feel when you are rebuked? If you get angry and aggravated, do not take it as a curse but rather as a blessing. Ask God to not let you forget that, with the rebuke, you will serve Him with all your heart. It is good to know that the Lord warns us in a loving way.

In Christ with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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