In addition to knowing that the Lord had given him skills that were known to the people of his time, David understood that God had given him the neck of his enemies. Therefore, he could face and defeat them. We have this same blessing, so we can enter the war against darkness and defeat it. Halleluiah!
It is almost unbelievable for a normal man, as was the king of Israel, to enter into battle with such primary weapons like spear, a club, a machete, without being wounded. But David’s case was different. He had confirmation from the Lord that he had received control of his opponents and therefore fought with the certainty of victory.
The question that must be asked is: do we also have this power? Well, our wars are against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual hosts of wickedness (Ephesians 6:12). In them the sophisticated weapons of today have no use, only spiritual ones have legitimacy. We obtain them by understanding the Word, and with them, we destroy the strongholds of Satan’s kingdom.
By neck we understand its the ability of the demon to move, act or do evil. Realizing that we can paralyze the devil’s actions by faith in the Name of Jesus, we overcome him and can enter the house that the evil one claims to be his, bind him, and cleanse it from his works, sickness, sins, and never again allow him to oppress such a life. But nothing will be done without Jesus (John 15: 5).
We must agree. If two, in the Name of Christ, agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done to them (Matt. 18:19). War, as has been said, is not physical but spiritual, waged by the one who is of God and in communion with Him. Under these conditions, any evil is undone by faith. The Word declares: the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16b). Be firm and do the divine work!
David killed the enemy because God had enabled him to do so. Then, Jesus did the same and if a complete way, when He went down to Hell and stripped the devil of man’s stolen power in the temptation at Eden. Now we have the authority to tread on snakes and scorpions and all the strength of the enemy, and nothing will do us any harm (Luke 10:19). Glory to God!
Those who are born into God’s family have this prerogative and should use it. If you fail to put it into practice, you will surely be held accountable before the Almighty for not following His orders. We must cast out demons and undo their works, giving due praise to the Lord for commissioning us for such an important mission.
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Author of our domain! You are fantastic and powerful in what You do, in Your orders given to us to go around the world and preach the Gospel. We also have to cast out demons!
To succeed in this endeavor, we must bind Satan in order to plunder the place where those he considers his possessions are safely kept. One thing is certain: nothing will hit us. Thank You for your statements!
Lead us in battle, just as you guided David. Then the demons will never prevail. We will fulfill Your command as it was given. We want to wage Your wars, Almighty God. Amen!
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)