One of the greatest mistakes the people of God commit is when they don’t speak the truth, allowing doubt to take over those who question divine legitimacy. Before the dispensation of grace, when people sinned, they’d offer a sacrifice for the sin they had committed. Then, the priests would eat the offering. Today, there are cases when a pastor omits the truth from people, and later has to supplicate for forgiveness in order to have them back.
It is hard to understand the line of thought of some Christians, who avoid saying things to not hurt others. They think saying things “in parts” will keep others from being hurt, but I disagree. If people die in sin, they will never obtain salvation. We must preach the Gospel to all urgently. That way, no one will be lost and we won’t be the ones to blame (Ezekiel 33:8). Our mission must be accomplished in the light!
In a certain occasion, I was confused at the opinion of a pastor who was visiting me at the Grace of God Church in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro. He saw me delivering people and later said I was wrong. When I asked him why, he said I wasn’t supposed to cast out evil spirits and order them to never come back, because by doing that, there wouldn’t be any demons left to show to the people and those who had been delivered wouldn’t come back to “visit” the church again.
I said to him: “You surprise me. Can you imagine if it were your mother being tormented by a demon and I allowed her to go home with that filthy and evil spirit in her?” Smiling, he said: “Let’s not involve our mothers in this talk.” I was shocked. We must do the work just as Jesus did it, with the same faith and the same example. Otherwise, it won’t be the work of heaven. There is only one Lord and one work!
If you don’t want any problems on Judgement Day, do the work of the Lord with greater effort, just like He ordained. The most important thing isn’t for the church to be always full, but for people to be delivered from sin and the operation of evil spirits. Pay attention to the orders Jesus gave to the 12 disciples (Mark 6:7-13), and then to the 70 (Luke 10:1-17). They were intended for us as well. Blessed are those who believe!
By acting away from the Word, people’s hearts are immersed in iniquity and nothing good comes out of their mouth. Therefore, don’t give in to the enemy; simply obey the Word and you will never be confused. Those who play around with the holy work, one day will realize they lost a great opportunity of serving God and, probably, salvation and eternal joy as well. The Lord warned us: Be holy for I am holy (1 Peter 1:16).
The false priests had a burning desire of listening to all sorts of evil things the people did. This fed their carnal appetite. Never consider the sin committed by the lost ones; even listening is already dangerous. We must lead them to salvation and assure them that, after they’ve accepted Jesus as their Savior, they’ll be free from perdition.
In Christ, with love,
Dr. Soares
Oh God! It is great to be fed by You and summoned for Your harvest. However, we can’t live in sin like other people and serve You. Your work requires great surrender. Only then will we be able to teach the Word to all.
Those who don’t say the truth are unfortunate. They constantly need to ask for prayer! We must not fall into the enemy’s traps, but we must execute Your orders. Before Your throne, we are asking for Your help.
Look to our lives, to everything that doesn’t please You and free us from wrongdoing. The enemy cannot stop us from using the gifts we’ve received from You to fulfill Your will. Lord, we long to serve no one else but You!
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)