> Today´s Message

19/12/2012 - Evil desires come back

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As obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.

I Peter 1: 14, 15

There’s only one way to please The Lord: being obedient to Him, and being born again has allowed us to meet all the requirements to abide by all the divine commandments. The verse above advises us not to conform ourselves to the former lusts which used to dominate us in the past. We’re definitely delivered to say “no” to all and any assaults of the enemy and, as long as we do it, we’ll be delighted to experience all the wonders of the goodness of our God.

We need to say to all those people who are born again – yet they sadly fell into temptation – that the power to make them rise again from their downfall is within themselves; it’s there where they can also find the same power to confess their error and to resume living their life in holiness. Many of those who have turned away from our Father wrongly think that – on account of their giving in to the desires of the devil and on account of their getting stained in the mud of sin – there is no more possibility for them to come back to The Lord and receive the forgiveness they need, but they must know that that’s not true.

Yet, you need to be careful with your former lusts because the moment you listened to The Word of God those were actually exterminated. It doesn’t matter if that happened five, ten or fifty years ago. If those evil spirits in your past won’t find rest in the desert lands they’ll try to return to their old dwelling and, in case they find it empty, tidy and ornamented, they’ll come back bringing along seven other spirits more wicked  (Luke 11: 24 to 26).

Don’t conform yourself with those temptations coming to assault you again considering that spirits of deceitfulness are behind them, those who used to be lords of your desires and, if they come back now, they’ll lead you into complete defeat. You must understand that the devil is not happy with the success you’ve achieved in Christ and that’s the reason why he’ll do all he can to steal your blessing. Your walking hand in hand with God actually represents quite a danger to the enemy who will do all he can to manipulate your life again.

Demons used to oppress you when you were living in the time of ignorance but today you’re a shining light for God and as such you must live to enjoy the abundant life brought by The Lord when He came to earth (John 10: 10 b). Therefore, it’s up to you not to let yourself be lured by any lies from the defeated one. But if he manages to get you caught up in his clutches again your life will turn into true hell.

It’s time you took the wisest decision ever; after all, the world passes and also earthly pleasures. Therefore, those who do the divine will shall live perennially. By all means, looking for holiness is much better than keeping on stepping one’s feet in error; that will undoubtedly lead to doom those who practice it. So, what would be the point of swapping Heavens for hell?

God’s called you to live along with Him (I Thessalonians 2: 12) – so, do some pondering on the following: Is there any greater privilege than that one? Yet, that’s only possible provided you sanctify yourself because The Lord is holy (I Peter 1: 16). Bearing that truth in mind you must decide who you want to live with: with the devil to get lost eternally or with Christ in Heavens to enjoy the heavenly glory?

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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