We cannot contemplate only what we like or what we are used to doing. The works done by the Lord must be observed and researched so that we can pray about their meaning (Psalm 77:12). In every revelation of the Most High we find His wisdom and ability to operate. Therefore, we have to be attentive to the reading and preaching of the Word, as well as to the testimonies of Lord´s servants.
The first thought that came to Moses’ mind was to turn aside to contemplate what he was being shown. Paying attention to the Most High will make us more firm in the faith. He says that we cannot be like animals, who obey under pressure: Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you (Psalm 32:9). After all, we were created in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:26,27).
It was not only curiosity that made the servant of God think of looking at the bush, but the fear of the Lord as well, for he had long since decided to stop being called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. This must have produced a cultural upheaval at that time (Hebrews 11:24-26). We cannot disregard what the Father has made known to us. We need to prepare ourselves to serve Him, but we will do better if we are wise in answering Him (Ecclesiastes 8.5). Obey Him!
For Nehemiah, the simple report that he received about Jerusalem, the city of the great King (Nehemiah 1:1-4), after the exile, made his soul sadden. He began to cry out, and the Lord soon began to act. In the same way, when something comes from God and catches our attention, we should ask Him to clarify such revelation. The Creator is the only One capable of solving our problems. Trust Him!
To someone else, what was happening in Horeb might have a scientific, or natural explanation, but to Moses it was a message from Heaven – and it delighted him so much that he called it a great sight. Do not diminish what is shown to you or consider it something of little value, for in the simple things revealed by God, His power is at work. No one becomes spiritually powerful by chance, but from all the prayers and time spent at the Lord’s feet. This leads one to understand that he can also perform the same deeds of Christ (John 14:12).
Don’t run away from challenges, even if you have been defeated countless times. The wise never forget what they learned from their masters. In the same way, we can never be silent before all the wonders revealed by the Most High. The Father’s harvest is immense for those who wait on Him. However, for those who don’t want to know the part they have been given in the implementation of the divine work, it doesn’t matter. Mercy!
Never accept that your work in the Lord is small or worthless. God’s servants are special to Him, so they are set apart from the world. Moses was concerned about the fire that burned the bush without destroying it and wanted to get closer to examine it. Draw near to the Almighty’s action, for it makes Him glad.
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Father of the great sight! We wait for You every day, to see Your accomplishments. We want to behold Your glory in people who are healed, delivered and saved. The kingdom of evil will not defile us, if we visualize Your fire at work!
With the understanding You give to those who love You, we will know how to go where You want us to go, do what You command us to do, and set the captives free. Your love for us makes You show us a part of Your glory. We desire to know You with all our heart!
Help us to understand the great sight that You give of the value of evangelization. Everywhere there are lost ones, and so they would remain. May every saved person always fulfill the mission set apart for them. To You all the glory for the miracles wrought!
and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)