> Today´s Message

02/11/2012 - Go through the gates which are open to you

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Open to me the gates of righteousness; I will go through them, and I will praise the LORD.

Psalm 118: 19

Each revelation we get from The Word of God is like an open gate to us. The Lord Jesus said He is The Gate (John 10: 9). Yet, through that Gate – The Word of God Itself – many more are opened up to us by The Most High: the revelations of The Scriptures. We can go through them to go for our ownership. Those who refuse to go through that Gate – though they might even have been enlightened – will end up being deprived of the divine blessing.

The psalmist prayed for those gates to be opened up to him, gates he referred to in the plural form – called by him gates of righteousness. Likewise we have to pray for our Father to open up the gates which we have to go through in order for us to take possession of our ownership. Then, once opened, the next step to take is to do all we can to go through them and avoid wasting time on prayer– the prayer time is over now – for The Most High to give us the revealed blessing.

Being intimidated to take possession of those things we’ve been told do belong to us will hinder our way into being delivered from hellish threats. Well, it’s not a good idea to frustrate The Lord. Therefore, whenever God makes us see that something does belong to us through The Word, for Him there’s no further questioning on that matter.  Therefore, we don’t need to carry on interceding for that matter any longer; yet, we have to determine our victory. In fact, taking possession of a blessing is the most appropriate conduct.

Everything was crystal clear to the psalmist: provided the gates were opened up to him he’d go through them. The same attitude must be taken by all the children of God considering that He wouldn’t open up a gate to us only to deny our access into His barn. You always have to bear in mind He is our Father and He’ll feel thoroughly rewarded provided we sit at the table and have our meal with gratitude and braveness. The Most High knows your heart very well and that’s the reason why He’s well aware whether you’ll be courageous or not to go through the gates opened by Him. Now, what would be the point of gates being opened up by Him for you if you’re not willing to acknowledge your possessions? Look into yourself and see your attitudes and if you find out that you’ve been despising what He’s already given to you then you must ask Him for forgiveness, get things settled and strive not to make mistakes again.

The writer of the psalm above said he’d praise The Lord. We must follow suit every time we have to taken possession of our rights. This is the main purpose for the heavenly blessings: giving praises to The Most High. Yet, it´s much more than just saying words of thanksgiving; it’s actually about showing our rewards off to other people on account of our belief in Him and that will certainly cause many of the oppressed to also be willing to look for Him.

The true praise will cause other people to be interested in seeking God and to do His will as well. By doing so, apart from being blessed with what you need, The Almighty will assist you to make more achievements; consequently, other people will also seek Him and then they’ll also be saved. The greater divine purpose for all mankind is for everybody, people from all over the world, to conquer the full understanding of The Truth (I Timothy 2: 4).

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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