> Today´s Message

11/01/2012 - GOD IN ACTION

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He sends out His command to the earth; His word runs very swiftly.

Psalm 147:15

Nothing happens without the Lord opening His mouth and determining His will. He gives His orders and the heavenly authorities soon get into action to fulfill what was ordained. My brethren, God’s Word has never passed away nor will it ever pass away (Matthew 24:35); on the contrary, every statement made by God does exactly what it has been set out to do. With this understanding, you will be more decisive and firm in faith. If the Almighty speaks, raise your hands and declare that the work has been done, because the One who protects your life will never stumble in anything He endeavors to accomplish.

The devil knows that all the decrees of the Most High will be fulfilled. So, when God opens His mouth and says something, the enemy is desperate because he considers that word as a work already accomplished. Whoever believes in the Scriptures knows that the Lord would not say something randomly; therefore, just as those who served the Lord in the past, the present day Christians need to do what they have been told, even if the circumstances prove otherwise. We do not care about what appears to be true or false, but rather what in fact is true – that which comes out of our Father’s lips.

The Divine Word is the vehicle used by our God to convey His commandments to us, and the best thing of all is that the Word will never return void (Isaiah 55:11). All we have to do is listen to the Lord’s voice for the divine power to do what was declared. The divine ordinances are decisions He made and that will be fulfilled; after all, the heavenly power obeys the orders of the Almighty. For this reason, we must always pay attention to the biblical statements.

Furthermore, the Word is faster than the speed of light – which is so fast that man is unable to see it because it travels 300,000 km per second. To better illustrate it let’s take the distance between São Paulo and Brasília (the Capital of Brazil) which is of about one thousand kilometers in a straight line. So if Brasília were 300 times farther, light would take a second to travel from São Paulo to the capital of Brazil. It is an impressive speed, but in comparison to the speed of the Word of God it is as slow as a turtle. 

When you understand, through the Word, that a blessing is yours, God\’s part in the accomplishment of that work ceases. The divine acts happen more swiftly than man can understand. So, having spoken the Lord, consider what He said done. Your faith will determine how long the work will be completed in your life. Ask God for a giant, fast and firm faith because He will do great wonders for those who believe in Him. You prove you love the Father when you yield to God’s commands. When this happens and you understand what is written in the Holy Bible, your heart will rejoice. So do not delay to take possession of the commandments of the Lord, for His part has already been accomplished. There is only yours to be done!

In Christ with Love,

R. R. Soares 

> Today´s Message





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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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