> Today´s Message


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But He answered him not one word, so that the governor marveled greatly. Matthew 27.14

The eternal God knows how to speak to man effectively, not in his ear, but in his heart. Whoever listens to the voice of the Lord within knows that He speaks to him/her in this way to dispel any doubt. This voice offers real forgiveness, making the person agree with Him and believe in the revelation of His Word. In the message announced to millions of people, it happens this way.

The governor Pontius Pilate was astonished that Jesus refused to make His defense orally, in front of him and the others present. But he felt that the Master was far from being a transgressor of laws or regulations. It was the Just being judged by the unjust! That is why the Holy One did not defend Himself before the lies, when they twisted His words. Conviction in the heart is infinitely better than in the mind. Believe!

The governor understood that Christ was there to be offered in favor of man, for even his wife sent word to him: While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent to him, saying, “Have nothing to do with that just Man, for I have suffered many things today in a dream because of Him. (Matthew 27.19). The Lord judges everything by the truth, and it is impossible to escape His conviction, for, being God, He speaks what is right.

Pilate was to judge the Innocent One, proposing to the people to choose between His release or condemnation. Imagine the Creator of all things being judged by His creature, driven by all sorts of deviations! Even those who walk close to God are in no position to judge anything, which is why Jesus declared: “Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. (Luke 6.37).

The Scriptures had to be fulfilled, so Pilate would be blameless; but the lost would be saved – forgiven, cleared and made children of God by the Savior’s shed blood (Isaiah 53.4-6). The Word, would have to be fulfilled, or we would never be saved. Christ’s sacrifice would never be in vain. You, me, and many more would believe when the Good News was preached to us. Thank God for Jesus!

Pilate marveled at the Messiah’s decision to remain as a silent Lamb before the accusations. At that moment, the Spirit of the Lord made the governor realize that the Son of God had done nothing wrong. He had to continue the trial, and certainly, the Most High was helping His Son in a special way. God also takes care of us in our weaknesses and trials (Romans 8.26). He is faithful!

People come to our services and receive heavenly confirmation that the Gospel message is true. However, many fail to make the right decision because of their sinful interests. These poor lives will suffer forever. After death, there will be no second chance. Accept Jesus as your Savior now!

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares


> Today´s Message





Father of our Savior! It's impossible to conclude just how much You have loved us. That's because You gave Your Son to suffer and die in our place, and now You send us Your sweet message that in Him we have forgiveness. We believe!

It was necessary for Him to face all that, otherwise we would not be saved. Because of His shed blood, giving His life for mankind, we are and will be saved from the wrath to come. Our salvation was bought with the life of Your Son!

We thank You for this such great love that caused Pilate's wife to grieve in her sleep because of what He would go through in our favor. Because of this sacrifice, we will forever be Your beloved children. We want to return such a benefit!


> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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