> Today´s Message

17/06/2011 - Keep on trusting the Lord

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“Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the wicked; for there will be no prospect for the evil man; the lamp of the wicked will be put out.” (Proverbs 24:19-20)

Unfortunately, the “school of evildoers” has never been shut down. Eli’s sons, for instance, used and abused God’s patience till they were killed when they were still young (I Samuel 2:12 and 22; 4:11). But the lesson derived from what happened to them was not assimilated by the evildoers. What happened to Saul is not taken seriously by those who insist on being disobedient to the Word of the Lord. The example of Ananias and Sapphira hasn’t been enough to convey the message of what happens to those who lie to the Holy Spirit (Acts 5). The truth is that those who do evil are unmindful of what is waiting for them.

It is pointless to stay at the feet of the Most High crying out night and day for the unwise to abandon their wrong ways. It is indeed very painful to know that there are people we hug, people who speak like holy men, who call themselves servants of the Most High but will, nonetheless, pay a high price. The message from the Heavens is for us not to be worried about them. Unfortunately, we have to face up to the fact that those who could be great men and women in the work of God made the decision of giving themselves to wrongdoings and, one day when they acknowledge their sins, it will be too late. Spend your time beseeching God on behalf of the sinners, those whose souls lack the blessed shining Light of the Gospel.

The wicked live among us and look like people of faith. Sometimes they manage to perform wonders similar to or even greater than ours. However, they have a problem: they do not respect the Word of God. The Lord warns us not to envy them. Let them keep on being stubborn and walk according to their will and wearing God’s patience thin. In so doing, they’ll face a grim future because one day they will see that their contempt for our Master’s voice is the reason why they have been excluded from the eternal salvation.
The evildoer has an evil heart because though he knows what is right he takes pleasure in trying to show that doing bad things is not as harmful as people think. They forget that God is patient and He does not want any human being to get lost (John 6:39), and the reason why the wicked are still standing is because of such patience. Yet, the day of reckoning will arrive and their reward will be terrible for they will experience the wrath of the Holy God (Hebrews 10:31).

The little light that the wicked have will be put out. Therefore, they will walk in the darkness and the light of the face of the Lord will never shine upon them.  Poor wicked souls! They chose to trifle with the Truth… For having stopped serving God they will be heading towards doom.

Whatever the circumstances be a servant of God! Do not let the devil cheat you with his offerings. It is better to be a servant of the Most High rather than enjoying the pleasures of sin.

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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