> Today´s Message

08/01/2011 - Looking to Jesus

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“They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed.” (Psalm 34:5)

A very common and serious mistake people make is not to look to Jesus. We take inspiration from everybody and whether we admit it or not, we usually copy the latest fashion trend launched by someone whose behaviour is, oftentimes, not commendable. We’re also moulded by the culture in which we were brought up. We regard people we barely know as our role models and despise the One who should be our Role Model: The Mighty One, our Lord Jesus.

The Son of God came to seek and save us when we were lost (Luke 19:10). His main mission was to die in order to deliver us from sin. He also came to teach us through His words and though His living example how we should behave under any circumstances. He’s the only One who can be a role model; yet, we don’t look to Him frequently. We should observe His behavior, the way He treated the lost and how He coped with problems and in this way we’ll be enlightened. That enlightenment will make us victorious over temptations.

To be enlightened is what we need the most. Without such blessed and true Light we’ll be groping in the darkness and we’ll fall for the traps of the enemy, who is cunning and walks about (I Peter 5. 8) seeking whom he may devour and he makes us see what we should never know. Everything the devil shows us is sheer deceit and he’d never do anything good to anybody whoever they might be. Even those who offer their lives to serve him end up paying too high a price. Satan’s evil in all of his works.

As we look to Jesus and learn from Him we’ll become the kind of people God had planned us to be. We’ll be sensible enough to avoid the dangers around us if our hearts are shining with the True Light inside and we won’t miss the opportunities we’re being given by our Father.

Those who look to Jesus obtain the necessary requirements to really believe in God and in so doing they shall never be confused. This is the certainty we must have in order to frustrate the onslaughts of the enemy. Nobody will ever be successful without that Light shining on their face. The more you look to Jesus, the wiser you become. We look to Him when we observe what’s in the Scriptures. Those who stop contemplating the Son of God are being cheated by the demon of wickedness.

The Most High allows us to know His Son in order to show us that He wants our spiritual progress as well as our success in all areas. We’ll stand out and be successful provided we carefully observe what’s written about us in the Holy Pages. This way we won’t stumble and we’ll get rid of the evil’s attacks now and in the future as we walk along the road of faith. So, don’t be deceived!

In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





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and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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