> Today´s Message

07/06/2012 - Make up your mind on what you will be doing

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For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.

Mark 8: 35

Peter had received the greatest revelation of God regarding Jesus, but due to the fact that he did not understand the reason why The Lord would have to go through suffering in people’s hands, nor was he careful in waiting for the divine direction regarding that matter, he went over the top and began reprimanding Jesus; yet, he ended up being rebuked by Him. That teaches us a lesson in that we must never make decisions based on what we consider to be the appropriated ones, but instead, we must pray for The Lord to reveal to us His will in that matter.

Once Peter was put back in his proper place, our Master called the crowd’s attention to Himself and, then He said that for man to go after Him he ought to deny himself, take up his cross and follow Him. I do not know if that disciple reacted like that due to the fact that he already considered himself great for the revelation he had received on Christ, but it is to set us an example: as opposed to considering ourselves of any worth we have to deny ourselves.

Jesus broadened His teaching by saying that those who want to save their lives must not seek shelter in worldly riches; or in the comfort of modern life and other amenities because if they do so they will lose their lives. Yet, if they miss the opportunities that come up to them here on earth on account of their calling from God, they will save their lives. Look closely to what the directions of The Lord are for you on specific tasks and get hands-on; otherwise you will be making a lot of mistakes.

He said that those who lost everything for His sake and that of the Gospel’s would have their lives saved. What have you been doing with the calling that The Lord gave you? Does your family prevent you from going where He wants you to be? Have you been thinking of becoming wealthy, of those pleasures that a prosperous life can provide you with or even of sinful things? Watch out! You had better lose everything for Christ’s sake and that of the Gospel’s.

How many people could be doing the work of God right now; yet, they are consecrating their youth, their strength and their gifts to gather riches, prestige and honour? Those who are called to do something for The Kingdom of Heavens are indeed privileged people considering that they will become ministers of God here and, in the eternity, they will not cease from being so. What is the point of dropping the great riches which will endure forever to go for the fake ones instead which cannot bring you any satisfaction at all?

Do not allow anything to steal your endless happiness because here in this world everything passes away fast, but he who does the will of our Father remains forever. Those who serve God ought to never allow to be deceived by any worldly fascination; now, paraphrasing Spurgeon: Even though a Christian happened to become a king or the president of The United States, still he would be taking a lower position as regards the spiritual realm; after all he is a minister of Jesus Christ, The King of kings.

Those who are wise will become the greatest investors in the world because they will invest their youth, their intellect and all of their capacities to fulfil the will of our Creator and Lord of all things. Undoubtedly, the reward will be huge.

In Chirst, with love,

R. R. Soares

> Today´s Message





> Faith Show Program

Program 1334
Program 1333




and Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(Genesis 11:23)


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